Chapter 369

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She always liked kissing him, so why did she have to hide it?

"I like it when you become all soft when I kiss you." Jisoo was a tough guy on the battlefield, but he had always been highly in touch with his emotions. If he wanted to, he could easily be sickeningly sweet toward women...

Chaeyoung bashfully leaned against his head and kept her eyes closed. Her untied hair that reached past her shoulders made her head feel fluffy. Her little face that was as smooth and pale as jade was tinged with a youthful feminine scent.

Jisoo could not help but laugh when he recalled how he had called her ugly when he was in the Wei household.

If this woman was ugly, there were many other women on earth who were not fit to even be called women.

Chaeyoung could not see Jisoo's expression. She simply wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face closer to him. Her voice was relaxed but hoarse when she quietly murmured, "What's so funny? Are you very pleased?"

"Yes, I'm very pleased!" said Jisoo openly.

"I'm happy too!" Chaeyoung suddenly said while she beamed.

"You're happy?" Jisoo had no idea what this woman was thinking. Why was she happy when he had just taken advantage of her?

"Yes!" Chaeyoung earnestly nodded.

"Tell me why."

"While I was studying here, my classmates had discussions about the influential individuals in the social circles in Capital City." Chaeyoung gently sniffed when she said this. "The man that they admire the most is you!"

Jisoo was not shocked. Aside from his family background, he was also impressive on his own. He was an exemplary individual in the military school and the police academy.

If it was not for his advantageous position, he would not be allowed to date someone who was still studying in the police academy. He had even openly rushed here to kiss and hug her...

"I've kissed the man that everyone else wanted to kiss. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Chaeyoung widened her eyes and looked at Jisoo. Her glistening eyes were unusually bright while she smiled gleefully.

She was a naughty little thing. Apparently, this was the reason for her good mood.

Jisoo tightened his arms around her and placed his lips near her hair. He gently took in her scent. "Well, would you be even happier if you slept with the man that everyone wanted to sleep with? Hmm?"

Jisoo's Adam's apple bobbed. He could not hide his desire for her...

Chaeyoung was shocked. She tried to break free from his arms. "You're always like this. You only think about getting to the next base. You're so shameless..."

Jisoo chuckled. "I kissed you, I doted on you, and I loved you. I'd certainly want to sleep with you too!"

His explicit confession embarrassed the woman and made her blush. They had established their relationship for a significant amount of time, but Chaeyoung felt that she was still too young before this. Moreover, she refused to advance to the next phase of their relationship all this while because she felt that their previous encounters were considered as "illicit relations".

It was impossible for Jisoo to change her mind. In order to calm her emotions, the man decided to take out the gift that he had prepared earlier. It was that antique gun.

"What a beautiful gun!" Just like Jisoo, Chaeyoung could not resist these ancient items either. She was incredibly excited, and her eyes were filled with joy when she took the gun and stroked it.

Jisoo wanted to buy the pistol and give it to Chaeyoung from the first moment he laid eyes on it. In the end, he did not hold himself back when Wei Hongmian generously gave it to him as a present. He had no reason to argue with her when he clearly liked it.

Couples usually gave each other jewelry, designer bags, or expensive watches as presents, but he gave her an antique gun instead...

"Do you like it?" Jisoo was initially worried that she would dislike it, but his heart was faintly relieved when he saw that her eyes had lit up brightly.

"I love it! I've wanted a gun for a long time, but I haven't graduated yet. I want to join the police force once I've graduated in the future..."


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now