Chapter 210

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On the next day, Jennie reported to the news office legal control channel early in the morning. Since Kai had informed the chief editor beforehand, he was very polite to Jennie.

"Little Jennie? You can go to the human resources department and logistics to collect the things that you need for your work. Then, you can officially start your duty in the afternoon."

Chief Editor Liu looked at Jennie's low-profile outfit and a light smile appeared in his eyes. She was as calm as the sea and she had an outstanding temperament. Thus, he was a little puzzled in his heart.

What was the relationship between this young girl and Young Master Kai?

She was a very attractive beauty. Could she be Young Master Kai's secret mistress?

The outsiders had always been very interested in talking about the two successors of the Wu (Kim/Kai's) Family from Luo Hai, especially Kai. He was known as a talented lawyer in the legal industry and also a genial person. Throughout all these years, he never had any scandals and no one had seen him with any women other than his secretary.

The woman in front of him now was worthy enough for Young Master Kai to go to the city personally and settled the dispute for her in the police station. Then, he made arrangements for her to work here. She must have a complex relationship with Young Master Kai.

However, Chief Editor Liu felt that something was wrong when he thought about it. If Jennie was really Young Master Kai's secret mistress, why would she work as a reporter? Why would she do such a tough job with her status and social standing?

Jennie did not know that the chief editor's brain was filled with all these gossip questions, all she did was to stay humble and respectful. Then, she went to the logistics department and collected her employee identity card, related documents, as well as daily necessities.

There was another young man who was assigned to work together with her in the major crimes department. The moment she entered the office, the young man went to her enthusiastically and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Cha Eunwoo, welcome! We will be working together at the major crimes department."

This young man seemed extraordinarily excited. When he was introducing himself, he was smiling non-stop and Jennie was momentarily stunned.

"Hi, I'm Jennie. I'll be in your care from now on, senior!" This was indeed the first time Jennie worked ever since she graduated.

She was the latest recruit in the news industry!

Eunwoo saw how Jennie was not only pretty, her voice was very pleasant to the ears too. Moreover, she spoke in a humble manner and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes. Therefore, his heart could not help but pounded slightly.

Early that morning, Sister Fang from the human resources department told Eunwoo that he had gotten a good job and he might be lucky romantically. When he got to the office, he heard his colleagues talking about how the newcomer was a remarkable beauty.

Eunwoo just turned 26 this year and just broke up with his girlfriend.

Once his colleagues saw him, they joked, "Eunwoo, you're having luck in love! Liu Yan broke up with you and God gave you a fairy from heaven!"

Eunwoo had doubts and assumed that they were only speaking modestly. Previously, everyone made excuses and did not want to go to the major crimes department to work with an outsider. After all, the major crimes department was not the place that they were familiar
with. Moreover, they heard that Captain Wu(Kim) of the major crimes department had a very bad temper. Thus, how could it compare to the comfort of their own department?

Eunwoo was young and inexperienced. Since his seniors were not willing to transfer over, he was forced to take the job.

Initially, he was complaining a little in his heart. However, when he saw Jennie, all the complaints turned into gratefulness to the heavens...

In the afternoon, Jennie reported at the major crimes
department along with Eunwoo.

Before they left, the other colleagues did not forget to tease Eunwoo, "You little boy, you got a blessing out of a misfortune! If we would've known earlier, we would apply for this job too!"

There were more men than women in the legal control channel. Every time a woman from the collaborating unit visited, their eyes would shine brightly. Besides, their new colleague was an outstanding beauty this time. Everyone was burning with jealousy when they saw the smug look on Eunwoo's face.

Nevertheless, it was indeed rare for a woman like Jennie to join this industry. Even if they were to work in the news industry, most women would avoid being a reporter.

Eunwoo thought in his heart that God must have pitied him to send him a River Snail Maiden [TN: This is an old fairy tale in China about a story of a kind-hearted and hardworking who found and brought home a snail one day and took care of it. To repay its gratitude, the snail secretly turned into a beautiful lady and made dinner for the fisherman every day. He eventually found out and both of them got married..]


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