Chapter 370

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Jisoo could not help but laugh when Chaeyoung mentioned that she wanted to join the police force.

He was in the special forces while she was going to be a police officer. Did that mean that both of them would continue catching criminals after they were married?

"In the future, I'm going to strive to become the captain of the criminal police department so that I can specialize in arresting human traffickers..."

Jisoo, "..."

He never imagined that Chaeyoung's previous circumstances still plagued her mind.

"Chaeng, who's going to take care of the baby once you're the captain of the criminal police force?" The man lowered his voice but asked the question bluntly.

"Baby? What baby?"

Chaeyoung had not thought so far ahead as they had just started dating. Why would she be thinking about a baby?

Jisoo was slightly disheartened when he saw that there was a faintly surprised look on her cheerful little face. He ruffled her messy hair with his large hand and muttered, "Have you made the necessary preparations to marry me? If you're planning to marry me, you're going to have my children. What's so strange about that?"

Chaeyoung was stunned. It seemed like there was still a long time before the future that Jisoo was talking about would arrive. However, he was enthusiastically looking forward to a wife and children...

Nonetheless, when she put herself in his shoes, she realized that she should be looking forward to this as well.

If she loved him, it would be normal for them to have a family together.

"But I haven't met your family yet..." mumbled the woman quietly.

In Chaeyoung's mind, one's parents had the most authority when it came to matters like these. She had no parents to hinder her decisions, but Jisoo was different!

Moreover, she understood the Kim Family's background, even more, when she arrived in Capital City. This increased the hesitant feelings in her heart.

She was worried that she did not deserve him...

"Yes, I wanted to discuss this matter with you soon. I've already told my mother about our relationship!"

Chaeyoung's little face immediately turned ashen when she heard Jisoo say that. Were they not hiding this anymore?

Jisoo hurriedly explained when he saw the stunned and uneasy look on Chaeyoung's face.

"Don't worry, my family is very open-minded. I'm sure that my mother will love you!"

Jisoo did not say this with much confidence. When he was at the Wei Family's charity event the day before he came here, Lady Jiao had given him a threatening glare...

Chaeyoung's panicked expression calmed down. She swallowed her spit while her voice quivered as she said, "Will your mother accept me as her daughter-in-law when I'm lacking three things?"

"Lacking three things?"

Chaeyoung ruffled her hair and smiled. "I lack supporters, a family background, and an education..."

"In the future, I'll be your supporter and my family background will be yours. You simply have to get an education and you'll be fine!"

Jisoo smiled as he said this.

Warmth filled Chaeyoung's heart. She buried herself against Jisoo's chest and murmured, "Is it time for the beautiful bride to meet her in-laws?"

An annoyed look appeared on Jisoo's face. "You're so full of yourself!"


Jisoo promised that he would take Chaeyoung to meet Jiao Shuzhen after some time. The main issue was that he had yet to properly sort things out with his mother. She was usually an understanding person, but she would often hinder him during important moments.

"You have to listen to me when it comes to important matters like marriage!" After several arguments, Jiao Shuzhen basically decided to use her trump card.

"You can fool around with your little girlfriend, but I forbid you from marrying someone like her and bringing her into the Kim Family!"

Jiao Shuzhen constantly wanted to make up for this matter as she had humiliated herself in front of Yang Fan.

The Kim Family and the Wei Family were on good terms, and Jiao Shuzhen liked Wei Hongmian as well. She had no idea why her son whom she had single-handedly raised did not want a beautiful and highly educated young lady like Wei Hongmian. Instead, he wanted to marry that silly girl from the mountains...

Jisoo heart was secretly filled with rage when he heard this, but he still spoke and acted like a gentleman on the surface. The man calmly said, "I can't give you the daughter-in-law that you want. Xiaodai is going to be my wife in the future. Nobody can change that!"

Jiao Shuzhen was upset when she realized that Jisoo had made up his mind. However, she had maintained an extremely good relationship with her son throughout many years. She knew how to restrain her rage during critical moments like this.

Just as Jiao Shuzhen was about to explode with rage, she suddenly received a phone call from Wei Hongmian. They talked about mundane things first before they finally reached the main topic. Wei Hongmian gently said, "Aunty, I'm going to see someone. If you're curious, we can go and meet this person together!"


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now