Chapter 268

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As Jennie and Lisa returned to the Hibiscus Garden, Ah Fu
ran out and reported, "Mistress, the yellow cat had been dispirited the whole day and didn't eat at all. You probably should go look at it!"

Hearing that, Jennie thought, 'Little Ginger Fur Ball, that fat cat, doesn't want to eat, it must be ill!'

She did not even change and went straight to the little garden on the third floor.

As expected, Little Ginger Fur Ball did not mew at her nor approached her joyfully as usual. Instead, it laid in its new bed lethargically, its black eyes swirling with a watery gleam.

Briquet, on the other hand, was different from its usual, calm self as it scampered toward Jennie impatiently.

"Meow meow..." Briquet sounded upset. Its wife was sick, so it looked worried. There were toys pooling around Little Ginger Fur Ball, it must be Briquet's attempt to cheer Little Ginger Fur Ball up, by bringing it toys.

"Briquet, don't worry, Ginger was just sick. Lemme look at it, it should be fine."

Jennie comforted Briquet and brushed its coal-black fur.

"Meow meow..." Briquet followed Jennie, hopping and skipping behind her.

Jennie bent down and picked up Little Ginger Fur Ball. The yellow cat was mewing miserably at Jennie, its voice not as rich as before. On the fur near to the corner of its eyes was some sticky secretion.

Jennie patted Little Ginger Fur Ball's stomach. It was bloated and hard, so no wonder it could not eat. Lisa came in after changing. He took over Little Ginger Fur Ball, inspecting it and said, "This glutton. Ah Fu said it's eaten double the amount Briquet did for breakfast. It was already fat and clumsy, doesn't have as much exercise as Briquet, and it eats so much. It must be having indigestion."

"What do we do?"

Jennie was a little anxious. She had liked cats since young, more so since these two were gifted to her by Lisa!

She thought in anxiety that among the whole of the Manoban Family Mansion, only the two cats were not the scheming type, especially Little Ginger Fur Ball. Its falling sick had scared Jennie dearly.

"It's night time. Not even pet shops are open, what do we do?"

Jennie thought, 'Pets can't go to the emergency ward. Or I'll take Little Ginger Fur Ball there right away.'

Lisa laughed, there was a doctor at home, was there not?

He turned around and yelled, "Ah Fu, go to the Tranquility Mansion and call Fifth Miss!"

A half-hour later.

The youngest, prettiest cardioneurologist of the military hospital, Yeji, turned into Luo Hai's number one socialite mistress's personal cat doctor.

Yeji massaged Little Ginger Fur Ball's stomach as she fed it some medicine that aids digestion.

Ginger stretched comfortably. Even Briquet was running around happily...

All three of the Manoban Family had studied medicine and surgery, so their house was stocked with some common medicine. Sometimes, when Old Mistress had headaches or bouts of fever, the family doctor, as well as Yeji, would offer their expertise. However, in this day, she was forced into service for a cat. Aside from Third Young Master Manoban, who else was able to do such a thing?

"Jennie, you have been feeding this cat so much, were you trying to eat cat meat in the future?"

Seeing Ginger had successfully grown into a ball, Yeji poked its belly.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz