Chapter 349

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There was still a trace of blood on the corner of Jennie's lips when she fainted. Lisa sighed at her pitiful appearance.

The man's gaze was extremely ferocious when he raised his head. Jimin was next to him, but he fell when Lisa punched him.

'Damn, I can't believe he beat me up when I hardly touched that woman.'

Jimin's teeth and cheeks bled after he was struck.

He had already despised Lisa before this. When Lisa rushed over and ruined his fun, he abandoned the mutual respect between aristocratic families and his well-mannered upbringing. He jumped up and wrestled with Lisa.

The two men were both tall and well built. They had undergone combat training as well. The area seemed extremely narrow as they fought with each other.

The staff member was so afraid that he hid in the corner. He was completely dumbfounded.

Both of them looked like influential people, but they acted exactly like commoners when they fought...

Jisoo suddenly stormed in. He saw that Lisa and Jimin were locked in a fierce struggle. The two men's faces were covered in wounds of varying degrees. The man who was part of the special forces cursed, "F*ck, who should I help?"

One of them was his cousin, while the other was his playmate whom he had shared everything with as they grew up...

Jisoo stared blankly before he noticed that Jennie was lying on the bed in a sorry state. He instantly understood the situation. He yelled, "Damn, he fought for this femme fatale in the past and he's doing it all over again now!"

Lisa took a step back. He turned to Jisoo and yelled, "Take Jennie away!"

Jisoo did not know whether Jennie was hurt, but he decided to help her first and find out later.

Jimin was not as strong as Lisa. His angry punches were also rather sloppy as he had ingested alcohol.

After some time, the two men tumbled onto the floor together. Lisa straddled Jimin and raised his fist. He was about to punch him before Jisoo yelled from the sidelines, saying, "Don't kill him. You should thank him for saving Little Jenjen."

Lisa seethed with anger. He could barely suppress it. He quickly turned to Jimin and cursed, "I'll make you pay for this later!"

Jimin might have been Jennie's savior, but he was definitely Lisa's enemy.

If Jimin had not helped Jennie, Lisa would not have taken so many years to find her!


The woman was fast asleep, but the airy and faraway noises in her surroundings made her furrow her brow. Jennie twitched when a sharp pain pricked her right arm. She opened her eyes with much difficulty before they adjusted themselves to the light. Only then could she clearly see the face of an unfamiliar woman.

"Miss, please don't move. I've put you on a drip because you've exhausted yourself. Your blood sugar level and blood pressure are very low..."

The young nurse held Jennie's arm. Once the tourniquet was removed, the nurse inserted the needle into her arm.

Jennie moved her lips. She tried to talk, but she realized that her voice was completely gone. Her breathing became more strained when she panicked from being unable to speak.

"Little Nini, are you thirsty?" The man's voice was deep and husky. It had a comforting effect.

Jennie blinked. When she realized that it was Lisa, she became so anxious that she cried. "Lisa... My son..."

"Don't worry, I've already sent someone to get him!"

Lisa held Jennie with his large hands and gently caressed her. His hands were warm but dry. The man's gentle kisses could not conceal his smile. "Thank you, Little Nini!"

Jennie was momentarily unable to understand what Lisa meant. Lisa sighed when he saw the dumbfounded look on her face. The handsome man seemed like he had significantly aged overnight. However, the silly smile on his face made him resemble a husky.

"When I saw you at the Park Family's banquet, I immediately remembered the marriage in the Park Family that was due to an unplanned pregnancy. I made a phone call and sent Kang Yu, Yan Jun, and Tian Qi to investigate the situation in City A while you were in the bathroom.

"I never expected that Jimin's men would already be there moments after they reached your house in City A. They wanted to take your son away, but Tian Qi had no problem fending off five people on his own!"

Lisa merely touched on this issue lightly, but Jennie could already imagine the terrifying scene.

"Your son is still in City A now. We've already lodged a police report there. Nobody can harm him now. He's just waiting for you to return!"

Upon hearing this, Jennie was so touched that she cried. Her entire body trembled uncontrollably.

Lisa gave her some tissue paper to wipe her tears before he gently caressed her face. His tone was affectionately reproachful. He said, "Little Nini, you've been a naughty girl. I can't believe that you lied to me for so many years! But I must thank you for keeping this child..."

Jennie wept but failed to speak as she held onto Lisa tightly.

"Leo is my son, right?"

Lisa's palms became warmer. His eyes glimmered as he kissed Jennie's little hands. The loneliness that he previously felt had seemingly disappeared. It was replaced by a happy smile instead.

Jennie faintly nodded to acknowledge that she agreed with him. Lisa became more emotional. He placed Jennie's little hands against his lips and gently kissed them repeatedly. "Little Nini, I'm sorry."

Jennie was stunned again. She saw that this powerful, unreasonable, and gloomy man was currently misty-eyed. Strangely enough, he also seemed to be choked with sobs. She frantically stroked his forehead with her hands.

The man did not bother to hide his sentimental side. He held Jennie's hands in his own palms again. He murmured, "They said that women suffer the most when they were pregnant, but I wasn't there to accompany you. I couldn't even do anything for you when you were depressed!

"Giving birth to that child was the most dangerous moment of your life, but I couldn't keep watch over you at the doorway or your hospital ward. I never boiled any nutritious soup for you during your confinement period. I never carried the baby when he wailed day and night. I wasn't there to hear him say 'daddy' for the first time..."

His words touched Jennie. Tears silently rolled down the corners of her eyes as she choked back sobs. She murmured, "It was... My fault that... You couldn't watch him grow up..."

Lisa cut Jennie off, but his gentle and watery eyes were filled with affection. "It wasn't your fault. I blame myself for hiding everything from you in the past. If I wasn't so selfish, you would neither have suffered such a huge blow, nor would you be burdened with such a heavy weight all of a sudden..."

After a long pause, the man suddenly realized something. He said, "Little Nini, I know that there's half a year left before your graduation, so I won't return to Luo Hai during this time. I'll stay here and accompany you instead. You can go to class in the morning and come home to warm your husband's bed at night.

"Obviously, I'll repay you for that. I'll cook for you at home and play with our son every day. You can see your husband and child when you come home after class. I wasn't there during his first three years, but I'll work hard and make it up to him during this time!"

Jennie became excited when she heard Lisa's plans. She was not an emotionless object.

Jennie and Lisa had argued and alternated between loving and hating each other for many years. When she thought of this, she unconsciously began to anticipate their future.

A thought suddenly flashed in Jennie's mind. She tugged at Lisa sleeve and quietly asked, "Could you... Promise me that you won't trouble Jimin..."


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now