Chapter 326

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Lisa knew that she was touched. The man caressed her fluffy head and murmured, "We'll have to hold back for three months. How are we going to survive those days? Why don't you use this instead?"

As he spoke, Lisa covered her red lips with the course pads of his fingers. This irritated Jennie so much that she hit him. "You're so indecent! How shameless..."

"Why are you embarrassed? You've already seen me doing the most obscene things."

He kept saying increasingly inappropriate things. Jennie struck him again before changing the subject. "What's for dinner? I'm quite hungry now."

Lisa ran to the kitchen to start cooking when he heard that his wife was hungry.

Jennie took her phone out when Lisa left. She opened her email and pressed the "send" button gently after a moment of hesitation...

It was sent successfully!

Suddenly, a recurring thought flashed in Jennie's mind again.

Would she have to bury the hatchet once Hanbin left Luo Hai?


Hanbin opened his mailbox. The corners of his lips curled up into an arc when he saw the email that Jennie had sent.

"Good girl. You were my final weapon indeed!"

Hanbin's eyes were bloodshot. He was holding half of a refractory brick. This was a composite material that he had been carefully preparing. It would explode upon collision or contact with water.

Hanbin had been wanting to get his hands on the document that contained information regarding Lisa's ports and ships since half a year ago. He had instructed several hackers to hack into Lisa's company database. Unfortunately, his firewall was just too strong.

The hackers had failed, and Lisa had been keeping a close eye on them after that.

The poisoning case at Zong He allowed Huai to arrest the hackers once he had discovered their base. Hanbin was forced to stand back and wait patiently as he had lost his capable assistants.

It was impossible for him to do anything without those documents. Taecyeon had been helping him to expand his forces in secret. However, he was stuck in the most crucial step. Hanbin realized that he was backed into a corner when he discovered that Taecyeon was murdered. Instead of resigning himself to his fate, he decided to seek Jennie's assistance.

Hanbin had not been entirely optimistic about the idea.

After all, his excuses were flawed and filled with holes. An intelligent person like Jennie would not necessarily believe him, much less help him.

He was prepared for both outcomes when he kidnapped Jennie. If she helped him, he would release her and execute the original plan.

If Jennie refused, he would change the plan as needed. He would use Jennie as bait to lure Lisa to the construction site at Green Smoke Mountain which he had been using as a base. Anyhow, the worst that would happen was a life or death struggle that would end in mutual destruction...

The situation had developed in a way that had exceeded his expectations greatly. Everything went just a bit too smoothly.

Jennie had cared too much about her own family so much so that a smart woman like her would make such alarming decisions.

"Do you really think that I'll leave Luo Hai now that I have this?" A sinister smile appeared on Hanbin's face. "I'm going to arrange everything perfectly and wait for your Brother Lisa to fall into my trap!"

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now