Chapter 356

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Yunnan-Burma junction...

The dense woods covered up the sky above. It had just rained, and the air was filled with a damp and moldy smell.

The heavy tires of the military trucks ran over the mountain roads, causing the pools of water to splash about, and left deep marks on the roads.

Due to a landslide up front, the path had been sealed by fallen stones.

The truck driver cursed with a strong accent and jumped out of the car to assess the situation.

Not long after, he ran back and said to the few idiots behind the truck, "Fuck, the road is completely blocked. We can't advance from here. If we were to go around it, I'm afraid that we won't be able to reach Brother Sheng's place tonight! What should we do?"

A corner of the army green canvas flipped open, and a bearded idiot with fierce features appeared. He lamented loudly, "Bastard! Why does it have to be blocked at this time! The stock in this truck needs to catch the ride tomorrow to be transported. What good will it do if they're being out here? How do we take another route?"

The driver sighed and glanced at the people in the car.

"There's a forest path nearby that will lead us out of this canyon in six hours. However, if you bring these brats with you, I'm afraid that you won't be able to move fast. We need to get out of that forest before it turns dark. It'll be very dangerous otherwise!"

Being in the rainforest during nighttime was akin to watching a live broadcast of the animal world. The driver still wanted to live a few more years.

The bearded man turned around and saw a dozen huge dark eyes staring back at him. The little kids were looking around with fear in their eyes. The man sneered, "They don't move fast? Hmm, I'll leave those who don't move quickly in the forest and feed them to the wolves!"

The car was filled with kids in their teens. Their huge dark eyes were wide open, and they were trembling in fear.

"Go! One after the other!"

The bearded man ordered the teenagers to get out of the car and follow the driver's guidance. They walked down a small twisted path with Bearded Man Two, Bearded Man Three, and Bearded Man Four carrying their loaded guns...

It had just rained in the forest, so the path was much more slippery than what most of them had imagined. Moreover, the teenagers had been hungry for an entire day. Some of them simply could not move fast.

Someone was bound to slip or fall with every step they make.

After walking for more than an hour, they finally got onto the main road. A frail young boy in the team finally could not take it anymore. He fell into a puddle of water at the roadside.

He was extremely filthy, and his frail body was not only slender but also weak. Since his skin was very fair, he seemed frighteningly pale when he was this exhausted.

He laid motionless on the ground after he fell. It seemed like he was on the verge of dying.

The bearded man noticed that the entire team had stopped moving. The children gave their companion on the ground a pitiful and doubtful look.

"Fuck! You have the mood to ask for pity at this time? Why? Do you think that I would let you go just because you fell?"

The bearded man was fuming with rage and was about to hit the boy with his gunstock.

Bearded Man Two grabbed him and said, "There's no point in hitting him. This guy must be very hungry. Look how skinny he is. You'll kill him with just a few hits. Then you won't be able to sell him for even 10,000 yuan!"

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now