Chapter 338

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Krystal introduced herself appropriately unlike
the other socialites who behaved abnormally.

Lisa sized up the girl with his cold gaze and noticed she had delicate features. Her slightly curled bangs made her seem a little quirky and her skin was so fair that it almost seemed transparent. Moreover, her glasses gave her a gentler appearance and her huge, watery eyes were sparkling.

From her looks, who would have thought that this woman had already surpassed Kai's record in just one year and was a rising star in the legal world?

Lisa's gaze swept past Krystal and he nodded slightly. Then, he said in a cold and calm tone, "Nice to meet you!"

The man spoke briefly and walked into his office. As he walked, he gave his secretary, Liu Jing an order, "Bring me a cup of coffee and make Miss Jung something that she likes!"

Liu Jing hurriedly followed his instructions, "Miss Jung, what would you like?"

Krystal smiled softly at the secretary, "Same as Mr. Manoban."

Krystal had not expected Lisa to treat her nicely since she came uninvited.

However, thanks to her career, she was used to such treatment. The family members of those who lost a lawsuit would often lash out at her when they left the courtroom. They claimed that she was twisting the facts for money and that she was a mere lackey...

She had heard all kinds of assumptions about her and met many extremely unpleasant people, thus she no longer cared when regarded her with a blank expression. In addition, Lisa was a very good-looking man. Despite being cold and distant, he was courteous enough to offer her coffee.

She forgave him!

Krystal followed behind Lisa and entered his office.

Lisa did not stop her. He sat down on the leather chair, switched on his computer and started working.

Meanwhile, Krystal began looking around the office. She noticed that the office had no almost color, everything was either black or white. While it was extremely dull, it seemed appropriate.

In the corner of the office, there was a huge bookshelf and treadmill.

In the middle of the office stood a massive desk made of Ebony wood. It was clean and uncluttered. Lisa sat at the desk, his long, slender fingers clicking the mouse with a solemn look on his face.

The tall floor to ceiling windows behind him directly faced the rising sun and golden sunlight seeped into the office through the sheer white curtains. The man was bathed in the morning sunlight causing his well-defined features to appear even more dazzling.

Krystal was already past the age where her heart pounded, however, when she looked at Lisa, a desire suddenly stirred deep in her heart...

"CEO Manoban, your coffee!" Liu Jing broke the silence when she entered the office holding two cups of coffee.

Krystal averted her gaze and feeling slightly embarrassed.

She took a cup of coffee from Liu Jing and said softly, "Thank you."

Lisa raised his head and seemed to have just noticed that there was someone else in the office.

Liu Jing placed the cup of coffee, turned around and left.

Lisa relaxed and tasted the coffee. He then turned a sharp gaze towards Miyeon and said quietly, "Miss Jung, I have a wife!"

Krystal was dumbfounded. She could not comprehend what he meant!

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat