Chapter 366

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The Wei Family's reception hall included both eastern and western elements. The hall was decorated in a minimalistic manner, but it still looked grand and magnificent.

When he was younger, Jisoo had visited this place with his father once or twice. He was not concerned about influential officials at that time since he was still a boy. He simply felt that the Wei Family's home was rather impressive. There were several man-made ponds in the courtyard. As he was a naughty boy at that time, he had followed the Wei Family's eldest son to the pond to catch fish.

Although Wei Hongmian and Jisoo were around the same age, perhaps the reason why they had rarely played with each other when they were young was that Wei Hongmian was busy honing her talents back then?

Wei Hongmian had received numerous academic awards and won many competitions and events ever since she was young. She did extremely well all the way through high school until she received her master's degree in university. She was even awarded several degrees while she studied overseas. As she progressed through life, her path naturally diverged with the "wild brats" like Jisoo and the others.

Chief Wei was quite fond of his daughter since she was so outstanding. He appeared to be particularly meticulous about her marriage when she had gotten old enough.

Jisoo was the only child in the Kim Family. The parents of both families had a good relationship with one another, and they understood each other's situation at home. Chief Wei's admiration for an iron-willed young man like Jisoo had only increased all this while. Frankly, Jisoo had been targeted as the partner of Wei Hongmian's marriage long ago.

It was just that Jisoo had been serving in the special forces unit all along. These armed services were perhaps the most dangerous profession during this peaceful era.

Wei Hongmian's mother was actually hesitant about the decision in the beginning. Nonetheless, it was understandable that she would worry if her daughter were to marry someone like that.

She had tried to mediate the situation several days ago, but she could not do anything about it in the end since the Old Master liked Jisoo so much. Wei Hongmian had yet to find a suitable candidate all this while ever since she returned home from abroad. Her mother's objection had turned into support very soon.

As Jisoo had suspected, this auction event was really a matchmaking session in disguise.


Jisoo brought a pair of ceramic glazed porcelain bowls with lotus petal engravings on them for today's charity event.

There were specialized workers who were checking in the articles that were brought in by various families. Jisoo had hidden himself right away once he had surrendered his items. He was terribly worried that Lady Jiao would discover him and introduce him to all of the female socialites here...

Jiao Shuzhen had been speaking to Wei Hongmian's mother, Yang Fan, for some time now. The topic of their conversation naturally shifted to Jisoo at one point.

"Is Jisoo still very young?"

Yang Fan was aware that Wei Hongmian was actually three or four years older than Jisoo. Her only worry was that the other party would dislike her daughter. She decided to seek out Jiao Shuzhen's views first.

"Age isn't a big deal. It's more important for our children to be able to look after each other. The only thing that matters is that they'll like each other and get along harmoniously."

Jiao Shuzhen said these things openly because she already knew the task that Chief Wei had arranged.

Yang Fan was secretly delighted when she heard this. She pulled Jiao Shuzhen over in a friendly manner and said, "You know about my family's situation as well. Hongmian is my only daughter, and the old chief has been fond of Jisoo for a long time. Why don't we let the two children meet since they're already here today?"

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