Chapter 379

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Jisoo chuckled when he heard that Lisa was about to get married so soon. "That little boy actually beat me to it in the end!"

Jiao Shuzhen glared at him and rebuked, "Don't be rude. Lisa is older than you after all."

Chaeyoung had yet to meet Lisa, but she could deduce from his tone of voice that the two men were close.

Jisoo pondered for some time before a bright light flashed across his handsome face. "Father, mother, why don't I get married at the same time as Lisa?"

Kim Jingshan and Jiao Shuzhen exchanged a glance while Chaeyoung's face reddened. Jisoo had actually brought up the topic of marriage on their first visit to his parents. Was he not being too hasty?

Jiao Shuzhen was upset by the proposition, but she would never say anything too bad in front of Chaeyoung. She merely reproached him by saying, "You should already know that the military compound is so vast. Do you think that it's a trifling matter for the Kim Family to welcome our daughter-in-law? The preparations for this event on their own will have to take a year!"

"Are you sure it'll take that long?"

Well, Jisoo had clearly never gotten married before...

"Your father has his old subordinates, old comrades, and his previous instructors. Did you forget that we have to invite them beforehand? We also have to make preparations in advance for the banquet and the bridal photo shoot." rambled Jiao Shuzhen.

Kim Jingshan who was sitting on one side voiced his disagreement with a wave of his large hand. "Our country is encouraging us to cut down on our expenses now. We must answer the call and go about everything in the simplest way possible."

When Jiao Shuzhen thought about it, she realized that what he said make sense as well.

"Well, we must prepare at least the most basic of routines. Anyway, we have to wait for a while for Little Park's information for the political screening to be approved, right? You have to do the premarital health checkup as well. We can't leave these things out..."

Chaeyoung glanced at Jisoo with her big glistening eyes. Only now did she realize that marrying this man was not as simple as she had imagined. His parents had agreed to it, but the country had to give their consent as well...

Jisoo sighed. "Xiaodai doesn't have a registered permit!"

Chaeyoung lowered her head when she saw how shocked Jiao Shuzhen had looked.

"Are you saying that Little Park is an unregistered resident? Does she even have an identity card?"

Kim Jingshan was a little surprised as well. Due to his position in the military, it would probably be risky if his son married a stateless and unregistered woman.

"There are five children in her family, but her parents had never registered her nor her siblings. I helped her obtain a temporary identity card because she needed one to be put on record for her studies."

Jisoo only knew what Chaeyoung had told him about her family.

Kim Jingshan and his wife exchanged a glance. They were in awe as they only had one child.

The Wei Family had three children due to special circumstances. Most of the other children in the military compound did not have any siblings, but the Park Family actually had five children...

Chaeyoung instantly felt that her status made her seem terribly lowly. She tugged at the corners of her skirt and realized that she might had just been a little too optimistic earlier on.

Jisoo held her hand and consoled her. "If you don't pass the political screening, I'll still marry you even if I'll have to chuck away my military uniform!"

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now