Chapter 259

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Both of them had traveled along a treacherous icy road earlier but these current interactions made Jennie suddenly feel as though her heart had been warmed. She could not stop a smile from forming on the corners of her lips.

When Nancy pounced on Lisa earlier in the afternoon, it
would be somewhat inaccurate to say that she was completely unconcerned.

After all, she was still a woman. Was there even a single woman in the world who was immune to even the slightest tinge of jealousy?

Jennie thought to her self that if Lisa wanted to throw
that piece of clothing away, so be it!

She was also unhappy that it had been tainted with another woman's breath.

Jennie hurried her footsteps as she was afraid that Lisa
could sense the sinister air in her thoughts. She instantly burrowed into the bedroom and snatched a towel from the closet before going to take a shower.

Lisa remained silent although he could tell that his wife was secretly delighted. He took the cat food upstairs to see his "son" and "daughter"...

Little Ginger Fur Ball was behaving bossily towards Briquet. The first bite of cat food would always be given to her first. On average, she ate more than Briquet. Thus, Little Ginger Fur Ball had become much fatter after a week. Her body was a lot rounder while her energy had greatly increased as well. She would hold Briquet down
underneath her for no reason and meow to display her strength.

"Meow meow, aren't you naughty?"

Little Ginger Fur Ball was an uncontrollable fierce young woman who was very fat!

Lisa furrowed his eyebrows while looking at the annoyed
Briquet. He quietly reproached him.

"Briquet, this is unacceptable. You have to be bold and manly. How can you always let yourself be oppressed by a woman?"

Briquet looked stupefied. He was too afraid to resist Little Ginger Fur Ball because this kitten was too tough. However, he felt immensely troubled when his daddy criticized him...

Moreover, since Briquet naturally doted on women, he would be reluctant to get mad at Little Ginger Fur Ball even if she became fiercer when she disturbed him.

When Little Ginger Fur Ball saw her daddy instigating Briquet, she thought to herself, 'Hmph, that's easy for you to say, daddy. Who was the one who threw away his suit in fear after noticing that Mistress looked upset?'


When Jennie could not find anyone downstairs after her shower, she realized that Lisa must have gone upstairs to the third floor.

Sure enough, she saw Lisa kneeling on the floor "chatting" to Little Ginger Fur Ball and Briquet.

"Once mommy gets pregnant, you can't fight the baby for attention! But once the baby's older, you can play with him."

"Hey, when do you think mommy will get pregnant?"

Lisa spoke earnestly to the two kittens as though they were really having a serious discussion and that they could really give him some ideas.

Little Ginger Fur Ball seemed to say, "Meow meow... don't be hasty, daddy!"

Briquet seemingly said, "Meow meow... you have to keep working hard, daddy!"

Jennie was left speechless by what she had heard.

Lisa quietly laughed to himself. "You're right, Briquet. Daddy should work really hard to get mommy to sleep with him!"

Jennie became rather worried.

When did this man become so immature?

The outside world would definitely be shocked if they saw the Manoban Family's volatile Third Young Master, a powerful figure who brazenly charged through Luo Hai, acting like this. However, Jennie was more worried that they would laugh their heads off instead.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now