Chapter 263

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Jennie walked out of the ward and saw Tian Qi around the
corner waiting like a loyal hound. He seemed highly cautious as he raised his ears to listen to what was happening inside the ward. Seeing Jennie walk out of the room, Tian Qi was clearly relieved.

"Tian Qi, I want to visit my mother. You're coming
with me, right?"

"Yes!" Tian Qi answered.

Even if Jennie did not allow him to, he would still follow along.

"Sir said that I must not let Mistress out of my sight!"

Jennie nodded and Tian Qi continued after a short pause, "Don't tell Sir that I left just now..."

Jennie could not help but laugh when she heard that. Even though Tian Qi was wooden-headed, he was stupidly adorable. He was indeed one-track-minded.

"If I were to go to the toilet, are you going to follow me in as well?"

Jennie thought of an idea to tease him. When Tian Qi heard this, his face turned red instantly.

"Haha, I'm just playing with you. Don't worry, I won't tell Sir," Jennie promised.

Tian Qi nodded his head earnestly.

Recovering in-patient ward.

The corridor was quiet and Shin Hye's vital signs indicated that her body was in a good state under the care of the nurses in the recovering ward. Even so, Jennie still came very often as she hoped that miracle will happen one day.

Shin Hye's ward had always been guarded. Now that something had happened in Zong He, Lisa became even more cautious.

Oddly enough, the two guards who normally patrolled around the ward were nowhere to be seen today. There were only a few nurses and care workers hustling around the corridor.

Jennie took a turn around the corner and looked towards her mother's ward. A familiar figure caused her heart to shudder.

"Nancy? What are you doing here?"

Nancy was wearing a pale yellow dress and a white cardigan. She quietly stood outside Shin Hye's ward and looked at the unconscious woman through the window.

Upon hearing Jennie's voice, Nancy turned her head and
looked at Jennie in the eyes. The corners of the woman's lips curled up, but she had a cold look on her face.

Jennie's heart was about to leap out of her chest!

She quickly walked over and used her body to cover the ward door. She was trembling slightly and there was less than a meter between each of them.

Jennie noted how Nancy did not answer her, so she
continued to question, "Why did you come here? Don't even think about hurting my mother!"

Nancy pursed her lips together as she enjoyed watching Jennie getting all flustered. She had achieved her goal already!

When Jennie saw the look on Nancy's face, she knew that
she had lost her sense of proportion.

Jennie was never the kind of woman who was unreasonable. However, after the incident with Yanni, she did not think that. Nancy would care about Shin Hye's recovery out of good will.

Especially when Jennie saw the hatred in Nancy's eyes as
she stood in front of her. It was a hatred so deep that it could compare. to the hatred of those who were arch enemies.

"Jennie, even you have something that you're afraid of, right?"

Nancy grinned sheepishly as though they were old friends. She tapped on Jennie's shoulder and the strength that she used caused Jennie to lose her balance.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora