Chapter 212

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Without knowing why, Jennie felt that Chaeyoung was
someone with a story to tell. Coupled with her act of constantly avoiding Jisoo, there must be a reason behind it.

People like Lisa and Jisoo had an inherent oppressive aura on them. If Chaeyoung had her own predicament and was unwilling to be with Jisoo, it was understandable.
After all, everyone had a right to choose their own way of living.

Hearing Jennie's promise and seeing this woman's clear gaze, the sincere tone made Chaeyoung smiled lightly. Sadness was seen at the corner of her eyes as she said quietly, "Being discovered by Jisoo is only a matter of time. Who can stop him for what he wants to do?"

Jennie agreed in her heart, but she did not say it out loud.

It even occurred to her that if she were to leave Lisa in the
future and stay at a foreign place, she probably would not want to meet anyone who was related to Lisa too...

"How do I address you, miss?" Chaeyoung turned aside the topic and asked all of a sudden. Her gaze was dim, revealing the courteous alienation she had toward others.

"Mu Chenyan (Jennie Kim). Mu (Kim), from the word 'bath'." (TN: the Chinese word for take a bath is 沐浴, mu yu)

"The fragrant of incense rises by the jade window screen; the sound of chess pieces awakens the night." (TN: part of a poem written by the Chinese poet, Su Shi, during the Song dynasty. The word 'Chen' and 'Yan' in Mu Chenyan's name was referred to the incense and the smoke of the incense in the poem respectively.) Chaeyoung gave Jennie a friendly smile as if she had forgotten that she was a friend of Jisoo, and she displayed a rare affinity, pointing out the origin of Jennie's name.

"My mother randomly gave me the name. However, she truly is a literary and artistic woman." Jennie also had a favorable impression toward Chaeyoung. She felt that this person was just like her name, a woman who was exceptionally beautiful and exuding an air that caused people to sympathize her.

"What brought you here, Miss Park?" Jennie looked at the
direction of the corridor. Here were the offices of the leaders from the major crimes department. She could not figure out the reason for Chaeyoung's appearance at this place. Could it be that she was really a police?

Back then, Jennie had thought that she was only saying that to frighten those villains who were kidnapping the child.

Chaeyoung looked at the half-opened door to the chief of the human resources department's office and said in a low voice, "I'm the new police who's here to report to the major crimes department."

Jennie was surprised. It turned out that Chaeyoung was
indeed a police, and she had managed to enter the major crimes department. Respect arose from within her.

Suddenly, there was some commotion in Chief Wang's office. Huai lost his temper in the office. "Chief Wang, in my opinion, we should change the name of the major crimes department to the embroidery group! When the higher-ups made these arrangements, they don't even look at the reality. Our task is to crack major and important cases, not to be highly embellished and ineffectual!"

Chief Wang knew Huai very well, what more when the Wu (Kim) Family had personal relations with himself. Seeing that Huai was criticizing the higher-ups' arrangement in front of him without giving any face, he too, felt frustrated, but he still had to quell his temper and
comforted, "Little Huai, the people who were sent to you this time had been carefully selected. Even if you're not satisfied, you should at least give them a chance first. You can't negate everything based on your assumption, can you?"

Huai could not hold it in any longer. He jumped out of the couch and snorted.

"Carefully selected? Lin Xiao has retired and Zhou Tao is on leave, so there's a lack of manpower. I applied for more members and in the end, they gave me three people, one of whom is a technical evaluation graduate. Yes, we solve crimes, but a technical evaluator should be assigned to the forensic department, alright?"

"Moreover, there's a little girl here. Since when did out major crime department had little girls? What do we need them for? To wash clothes or to make tea?"

Huai sure was famous for his bad temper and gender

Jennie presumed that the little girl that Huai said should be Chaeyoung.

"Little Huai, don't look down on that little girl. You should know that the main character in the TV series "The VI Group of Fatal Case" (TN: a police and villain themed drama in mainland China.) was a female captain, alright?"

Chief Wang still had the mood to make a joke, but Huai did not go along with it. He opened the file for Chief Wang to read and said, "Look at this little girl's looks, even her name's Su Qingcheng (Park Chaeyoung) (TN: Qingcheng

(倾城) refers to a gorgeous woman who could enchant the entire city with her looks). Apart from coming here to bewitch those younger generations, I wonder what else this girl can do.."


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