Chapter 374

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This war had ended in a way Wei Hongmian had not to expect at all. She did not feel like talking on the way home and leaned on the car's window wearily.

Jiao Shuzhen knew in her heart that this girl had truly fallen in love.

Yang Fan had mentioned quite a few times that Wei Hongmian was very proud and arrogant. She was not interested in any young men in Capital City and the only one that she was interested in was Jisoo.

There was always another issue to overcome after getting rid of one!

Jiao Shuzhen sighed. From her point of view, Wei Hongmian could have been one-of-a-kind daughter-in-law if she were to be married into the family. However, her son had failed to live up to her expectations...

"Auntie!" Wei Hongmian shouted suddenly just when they were about to arrive.

"Hongmian, you can tell me what you want to say frankly..."

"Auntie, you're Jisoo's mother, so you must know him well..." The rim of Wei Hongmian's eyes turned red. "What can I do for him to fall in love with me? I refuse to admit defeat. In what way is that girl better than me... I've known Jisoo for a long time and I'm his childhood friend..."

Her words made Jiao Shuzhen's heart clenched a little, and it softened up when she saw that the girl was trying really hard not to cry.

"Jisoo is a very stubborn person. As soon as he decided on something, it will be very difficult to change his mind. He's just like his father. If I didn't take the initiative in the past, there won't be a family here today. To be frank, I was the one who had forced him into sleeping with me... hahaha..."

Jiao Shuzhen shook her head and laughed when she said that.

The one who was speaking had no particular intention, but the listener was reading too much into it.

Wei Hongmian's eyes suddenly shone brightly. She then lifted her head from the car's window and muttered, "Sleeping with him?"

She was thinking about the same thing as Jiao Shuzhen, but no one wanted to be the one to say it out...

The car had stopped at the entrance of the Wei Family's front door. Wei Hongmian got off the car and waved goodbye to Jiao Shuzhen.

Jiao Shuzhen looked at Wei Hongmian's desolated back and yelled in a low voice, "Hongmian, are you willing to... sleep with him?"


Chaeyoung had returned from the café, but she did not feel the victory of winning a war. She continued to behave as she normally did.

As expected, Jisoo still did not know that his mother and two other women who were trying to fight for him had just had a "competition".

The weather was getting warmer during August in Capital City. The sun was scorching the earth, and everything was sizzling hot.

With just a sprinkle of a pinch of pepper, Capital City could be turned into a slab of fine barbecued meat...

Chaeyoung was on a summer break, so Jisoo chose a delicate luxe small-sized house from the properties he owned and made it into a "love nest for his mistress".

It was an 80 square-feet studio that was labeled luxe but was furnished in a minimalistic style.

The studio was filled with green plants with a double sofa in the living room. It had a few home appliances and a misty blue curtain to block out the blazing sun.

Since Chaeyoung did not have to do any intense training anymore, all that was left in her life was eating and drinking while enjoying the air conditioner.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن