Chapter 290

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This woman, as a result of the trauma, had successfully caused herself to be down with a fever!

Yes, she was that useless!

The fever depleted Jennie of her energy and made her groggy.

She woke up in the middle of the night and teared up. "You're all liars!"

"You're all liars!"

Jennie sobbed and wiped her snot with a corner of the blanket. Not feeling satisfied, she grabbed a corner of Lisa's pajamas to blow her nose as well.

Lisa was exhausted from caring for her and sat by the bed to nap a little. He was not aware that his pajamas had been contaminated...

As her nose was relieved, Jennie felt much better, but upon seeing the side of Lisa's face, she could not help but sob again. The inexplicable sobs woke Lisa up from the bed.

He noticed that the woman who was groggy from the fever had an unusual redness on her face. Her eyes were teary, and her hands were shivering. He was shocked and immediately pulled her into his embrace. "Don't be afraid!" "Little Nini, I'm here to protect you..."

Jennie did not know why she was crying. She just felt upset and miserable and that she would only feel better by crying and letting it out.

She hugged Lisa's arm and sniveled, and her snot smeared his arm.

Lisa did not scorn but let her vent out freely.

She slept, woke up, and slept again. She did not eat much during the daytime, and those that she barely swallowed were vomited out.

After having her meal, Ah Fu served up a bowl of medicine soup. The moment Jennie saw it she was so terrified that she teared up.

"No medicine... Bitter!"

Jennie was rather rational during the usual days, but after falling sick, she had turned around completely. That manner of hers was of one who would fight to death and could be dragged out to be flogged 20 times!

Lisa was mad, annoyed, and felt sorry for her. He was like torturing himself as he coaxed, "Jennie, be a good girl." "You take a sip, and I'll take a sip."

Hearing that, Jennie thought that the idea was good. At least, she could drink only half of it.

After taking a sip, she laid on the bed and stared at Lisa, looking just like Little Ginger Fur Ball.

Lisa had no other way. His lips pressed lightly together. Even a healthy person needed to take medicine, the patient must be seriously sick.

Jennie was pleased, and she took another sip...

Lisa thought about what would happen after they had a daughter. He would have to care for two little women, and he wondered what kind of scene would it be.


Thinking of this, Lisa became somewhat

If their daughter were to resemble Jennie, how delightful it would be to be cuddling one on the left and embracing another on the right...

Thinking of daughter, his body was in a state of incitement, and he wanted to have a baby!

He must have been bewitched by her, instigating him to commit the crime whenever and wherever. Especially now that she was looking all delicate and pitiful, he only felt like bullying her even more fiercely...

However, Lisa was very rational. In this kind of state, how could he do it?

Watching Jennie suffering, his heart ached for her intensely. Jennie had no idea that on this night, Lisa had gotten up numerous times to wipe her sweat away.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now