Chapter 206

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"Wow!" "So this is the custom in Luo Hai?" "A few men ganging up against a woman? "Hmm?"

Jisoo said with a smile on his face. However, it was a
disingenuous smile with an intense murderous aura around him.

The man's aura was extremely strong and it was obvious that he was professionally trained. His body's muscles bulged at the right places, meaning that he trained differently from those who trained in the gym.

Zhao San and Liu Dong's imposing manner had died down. It was a very unlucky day for them.

Firstly, a woman had ruined their plan and secondly, a man with such a strong aura appeared to help her.

Both of them looked at each other and made eye contact. They were planning to escape once they get a chance.

They looked around their surroundings and noticed that they were not at a strategic location. There was a policewoman behind and a devil in front of them. They were in a very tough situation and the thought of putting up one last fight suddenly popped up in their mind.

Aiming toward the policewoman's direction, both of them lurched at her simultaneously, hoping to break out by force.

The policewoman was stupefied seeing both of them dashing towards her at the same time. Before she could react, Jisoo suddenly came running, jumped high up and kicked Zhao San onto the ground. Making a dexterous flip, Jisoo landed firmly on the ground with abeautiful posture.

The entire process happened in less than a minute. He was utterly handsome, especially with his landing action!

The crowd cheered as they had only seen such swift movements in the movies. They felt fortunate to see it in person today and they were extremely excited!

Seeing how things turned out, Liu Dong decided to fight his way out forcibly. He raised the dagger in his hand and rushed towards him, "Lao Zi [TN: The original meaning is 'father', but it can also be used as a self-professed claim by an arrogant person] will fight you to death!"

Shao Yibai was furious, "I'm usually the one who is known as Lao Zi. How dare a coward like you claim to be a Lao Zi in front of me?"

Jisoo did a low sweep kick, causing Liu Dong to lose his balance and fell onto his side.

Grabbing him by his collar, Jisoo easily performed a front suplex. In less than half a minute, the two of them were about to pass out as they laid on the ground moaning in pain.

Jisoo seemed like he was not done yet. He stepped on one of them on his chest with his leather shoe and scolded, "You guys can't even take a little beating!! Next time, train well before making another move. I can easily beat you back into your mother's womb!"

There was an uproar in the crowd again and some girls even shouted,

"Wow~ A real-life Spider-Man!"

"Superman!" "It's Superman..."

"Keep quiet! That young man is mine!"

"Even as a man, I find him very charming!"


Jennie, Yeji and Yuna were watching from not too far
away. Even Yeji was a little excited, "Brother Bai is indeed very cool, and that beautiful lady is very brave too!!"

Yuna's heart was beating vigorously. She was bursting with joy seeing how handsome and manly Jisoo was. She grabbed Jennie's hand tightly and cheered in a low voice, "Brother Jisoo!"

"My Brother Jisoo!"

Jennie was hurting from being grabbed on the hand. She
rolled her eyes and sighed towards Lisa's direction, as though she was saying, 'Look at your two sisters!'

Lisa's mood seemed to be quite good. He looked at Jisoo
and smiled, "It has been a long time since I saw him making such a move. His movement is still as dexterous. It seemed like he did not use his full strength against such lowly beings. I should challenge him someday when I'm free!"

Jennie saw Lisa's eagerness to fight and in her mind, she
visualized the two extremely handsome men having a massive duel.

That seemed to be very interesting...

Meanwhile, the policemen who were in charge of maintaining the order at the lantern show had arrived.

In fact, slightly after 10 minutes when the commotion started, somebody reported it to the security police and they rushed over to apprehend and handcuffed the two criminals.

The brave and pretty policewoman picked Zhang Xiu up from the ground and handed her over to the police!

With support from the crowd, the child's mother went to the police station to lodge a report.

Noticing the kind-hearted woman slipping into the crowd without leaving behind a name, Jisoo shouted at her, "Hey, aren't you going to at least say thank you?"


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now