Jisoo had not visited Chaeyoung in a long time.

Spring had arrived and the flowers were in bloom at the beginning of May. The grounds of the schoolyard were completely covered in hibiscus flowers that fell from the hibiscus trees that filled the compound. The young woman was incredibly happy when she noticed that Jisoo was here. The couple bought some food before they sat on the lawn and basked in the sun.

The sun was not scorchingly hot, it was simply bright and dazzling. A soccer match was enthusiastically going on in the nearby soccer field.

The place where they sat had several trees that provided them with shade. The sunlight shined on Chaeyoung's charming little face in motley patches as it passed through the gaps between the leaves. She was extremely adorable when she narrowed her eyes and looked at Jisoo...

"I've wanted to come here for a long time to fulfill a wish..." Chaeyoung scanned her surroundings. There was a faintly pleased expression on her face.

"What made you want to do that?" Jisoo could not understand. What was so fun about sitting on the lawn?

"I've seen many couples dating here..."

Chaeyoung murmured.

Jisoo realized that almost a year had passed since Chaeyoung started studying. However, this was the first time that he sat with her in the schoolyard. The young woman was only 20 years old. She was truly at the age where she longed for romance.

At that age, she was supposed to do lovey-dovey things and be inseparable from the person she was dating. Unfortunately, Jisoo did not spend enough time with her.

Chaeyoung's little face faintly blushed once she had finished speaking. When she noticed that Jisoo was staring at her, she frantically explained, "I wasn't complaining that you hardly come to see me. I know that the army is strict. Moreover, you can't just come and see me as you please because of your rank in the military..."

Her flustered appearance touched the softest part of Jisoo's heart. She was such a good girl. She was so pure that he loved her dearly!

He truly wondered how her parents could sell off such an obedient child in the beginning.

When he saw her actions at that time, he gave himself a mission to protect her for the rest of his life.

As Jisoo pondered, he suddenly reached his arms out and pulled her into his embrace.

The woman's body was not as fragile and frail as the first time he met her. After she had undergone all the training, her bones were strong while her muscles were taut and flexible. They did not feel limp when he pinched them now.

He was not used to her distinct curves.

His head was lowered. As his lips were about to touch the tip of her nose, the man's deep voice sincerely said, "This place is definitely a spot that is frequented by couples on dates. Isn't there something that all couples are supposed to do?"

They were extremely close to each other. As there were only several millimeters between them, the atmosphere here seemed more alluring now than it would be if they actually kissed.

Warm air swirled around the tip of her nose. The man's mouth smelled sweet and minty. It seemed as though his burning gaze was asking for her opinion. However, Chaeyoung knew that this was merely a trick. He would kiss her whether she agreed to it or not.

She realized that it would be better for her to take the initiative instead of being ridiculed by him after she took the bait.

"What do you think?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently closed her eyes...

Jisoo's heart thumped wildly when he saw her signal. He stopped wavering and feverishly pressed his lips against hers instead.

He forcefully sucked on them and grinded against them. The tip of his tongue entered and left her cavern as they intertwined.

He held her head with one hand and wound the other around her waist. This caused her to tremble over and over again...

The woman's soft pants made him more excited. He began kissing her more fervently. It seemed as though a gentle and nimble little fish had entered his domain. It was lively and naughty...

Her body finally felt weary after a long time. She felt as limp as a puddle of mud.

Chaeyoung had no idea whether her brain was still working. She merely felt as though the entire world was spinning. Sunlight continued shining through the gaps between the leaves, but it seemed particularly blinding now. She could not help but bury her head near his collarbone. She was reluctant to leave for a long time.

Jisoo quietly chuckled when he noticed that her little face was unusually red. "Xiaodai, are you satisfied with what we did just now?"

"It wasn't too bad." Chaeyoung closed her eyes and said while she intentionally buried her head in his chest.

Jisoo knew that she was being coy on purpose.

"Are you saying that my kissing skills still need more practice? I want to make Xiaodai proud!"

"If you put it that way, I'm not against it..." Chaeyoung quietly murmured.


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now