He had his own selfish motive for that. He did not wish for this fair and tender fellow to become a rough guy like Tian Qi...

"How f*cking ugly!"

Jisoo said without rhyme or reason. The handsome man turned to leave and headed to the canteen area that was designated for sergeants.

Tian Qi was holding a half-eaten bun in his hand and was about to stuff it into his mouth. When he heard Jisoo's remark before the latter left, he looked left and right and found that there was no one else present but Chaeyoung and himself.

Jisoo could not be talking about Xiaodai, then he must be referring to himself?

Waa~ Mom, he swore at me!!

How devastating!


The days Chaeyoung spent learning kung fu with Jisoo past happily.


She made rapid progress. Jisoo exclaimed that although she looked weak, there was an air of arrogance in her bones. She was tough, and he now had a whole new level of respect for her.

After two consecutive months of physical training, she had now developed V-line and toned abs. She had massive improvements in leaping, stretching and other aspects of physical fitness. There was even a change in the way she carried herself.

She had grown from the weak and thin little girl she once was and had become fitter and much more confident.

Jisoo felt sentimental about her change and was delighted to have witnessed it as well. He was glad that she had finally developed some machoness...

Jisoo's combat technique was very famous in the Capital City. Plus, he liked to delve into the art of it. He had incorporated his own understanding and improvisation into his movements and tactics. In the close combat club in Country Z, Jisoo had been on the top ten list all year long.

One could envision how quick Chaeyoung, who had been trained under him, could master the various skills of a melee attack.

The way Chaeyoung addressed Jisoo had also changed from Brother Jisoo to "Master."

"Master, let me help you get your meal..."

"Master, let me give you two more pieces of meat..."

"Master, I want to join you all in the next field survival training..."


" Wukong, can I have some peace and quiet for a while?" 1

Shao Yibai did not expect the fair-skin boy who was once shy and quiet could become such a chatterbox!

Chaeyoung, though being reprimanded, was smiling so big her eyes curved. Her two shallow dimples almost made Jisoo fell into a daze staring at them.

Damn! It must be because he had not gone out and let loose for a long time. That was why he would constantly have some whimsy thoughts for a boy!

Jisoo could not find a suitable reason to convince himself. The time he had spent with Xiaodai had indeed felt fleeting.

So much so that every week he went for the field survival training, he would keep thinking of "him" who had been left behind!

How could this be?

Jisoo studied in the military academy, and the people he had encountered there were mostly men. A lot of them were tough guys as well. Seeing such a soft and cute "guy" like Xiaodai was also a first for him.

He began to worry whether this abnormal reaction of his meant that he was to take the route of a homosexual?

Jisoo had many friends since he was young, but his most trusted playmate was his older cousin brother.

After eating, Jisoo returned to the camp office and gave Lisa a call.

Between them was a 7-hour time difference, and Lisa was still asleep. Lisa was somewhat confused when he saw Jisoo's number.

"You're at the military area. Aren't you not allowed to use your mobile phone?"

Lisa's sweet dreams were disturbed, so the usually modest gentleman was slightly annoyed.

"Lisa, I have something to tell you!" Jisoo's tone sounded serious. His character was different from Lisa. Lisa could have a secret buried deep in his heart for more than ten years. He could love someone and protect her quietly by the side. On the other hand, Jisoo was someone who frankly.

"Mr Kim, speak up!"

The tone of the man eased down. The early morning in the UK was infused with mist, and dew was falling from the leaves of the guava tree in front of the window onto the ground.

Lisa looked at the clock on the wall. Since he had already woken up, he might as well listen to Jisoo's distress. Perhaps, his happiness could be built on Jisoo's misery...


What a bad friend he was indeed!

"I keep having all kinds of whimsy thoughts for a man recently..."

As Jisoo said, he looked through the office window and saw Chaeyoung holding the water hose from the camp garden. She was aiming at Tian Qi and had made him soaking wet while she only giggled mischievously!


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum