"You're a madman. Give me back my son..."

Jennie sobbed and struck him until she was completely exhausted.

She exchanged her life for her child. When she thought of this, it felt as though someone was twisting a knife that was stabbed in her heart. Nonetheless, she did not give up. She continued to fight with Jimin desperately.

The man watched as she struggled madly. Her hair was messy while the collar of her shirt had pulled itself open as she tossed about. Jimin laughed wildly before he held Jennie tightly. In a strange voice, he said, "Lisa slept with you, right?"

Jennie heavily panted. When she heard him mentioning Lisa, she could not help but bitterly laugh. "Yes!"

Anger stirred in Jimin's heart when he noticed that she was not hiding this. He cupped Jennie's little face with his hands and caressed it. He mumbled, "We were married for three years, but I wasn't even allowed to touch your hands. However, you got into bed with him after meeting him for just a few hours!

"Who do you think I am?"

"Park Jimin, I'd be thankful toward you if you didn't treat me like this today. I'd even treat you like my older brother. But if you've kidnapped my son, I'll despise you until the day I die..."

Jennie started to cry when she said that. Tears streamed down her face quickly. Jimin suddenly panicked when he noticed that her eyes were filled with hatred. He tried to wipe them with his hands but they kept flowing.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry. Jen, please stop crying!"

Jimin murmured as he wiped her tears. Jennie was so furious that she slapped him. "Give me Little Leo back..."

Jimin stroked the side of his face that she struck. He coldly glared at Jennie when he noticed that the people around them were pointing their fingers at him. A ghastly smile appeared on his face. "I'll give him back to you if you spend the night with me."

Upon hearing this, Jennie swung her arm back and slapped his other cheek. "In your dreams!"

When both sides of his face were slapped, the handsome man instantly felt as though he had turned into one of the big-headed mascots in the Spring Festival pictures...

Jimin wiped off a trace of blood that appeared at the corner of his mouth. He smiled before he suddenly picked Jennie up. "I'll show you that I'm not dreaming!"

Jennie had been exhausted after all that struggling. She felt angry and anxious when Jimin carried her on his shoulder now. Her entire body ached. She tearfully screamed, "Help! Call the police..."

Most of the onlookers were too afraid to step forward because they were unaware of the actual situation. Fortunately, some of them took their phones out as they planned to call the police.

"We're husband and wife. What are you going to say to the police?"

Jimin walked away as he explained. He ignored Jennie's objections.

Everyone was too frightened to act rashly when they heard that they were married. They realized that this man came from an influential background when they saw the clothes that he wore. They simply used their phones to take pictures of him instead...

Jimin carried Jennie to her room.

Professor Shen had already returned to City A after completing his academic report. Jennie was the only other person who had come with him. Previously, Jimin had been to this hotel as well. The staff saw him carrying a woman back, but they were too afraid to stop him because he had a key card.

Jennie suffered a throbbing headache while she was being carried. Her limbs felt exhausted. She hit him several times before she almost collapsed.

The man took long strides and entered the room. When the door made a clicking noise as it was shut, Jennie became wide awake from fear.

Jimin threw her on the bed in a second. Her teeth bit her tongue and she nearly cried from the pain. The metallic taste from the blood in her mouth made her want to gag.

The most disgusting part was that Jimin had already removed his jacket. His eyes were bloodshot as he undid his tie. Jennie flipped herself over and got off the bed when she realized that something terrible was about to happen. She only managed to run two steps away before the man grabbed her by her hair and flung her on the bed again.

Jennie heard a ringing noise in her ears while her head throbbed. However, the crazy man had already lost his mind. He pounced on her and tied her hands together with the tie that he removed.

"Save... Save me..." Jennie staggered screams were muffled by the man's lips...

His large hands frenziedly ripped off her clothes. Her exposed skin was still marred by Lisa's love bites from several hours ago. Jimin's rage grew more intense when he saw them.

He lowered his head and buried it in her chest. His lips were increasingly forceful. He used his own marks to cover the ones that Lisa left.

Jennie retched as her stomach churned continuously. Her hands were bound together while her body started to curl up like a little shrimp.

"Lisa... Save me..." The twitching pain in Jennie's stomach became more intense. She cried out for Lisa in her confused state.

A loud noise that sounded like someone was kicking the door echoed from the entrance to the room at this moment. A staff member's quivering voice could be heard as he pacified someone, saying, "Sir, please calm down. I'll open the door for you now..."

The last thing that Jennie saw before she blacked out was the imposing man's figure as he swooped down furiously...

"Don't be afraid, Little Nini. I'm here!"


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now