She could not allow Hanbin to fight against overwhelming odds. She would not let that happen, at least for now.

Jennie opened several files on the desktop. She could not find the one file that Hanbin needed after rummaging through the computer for a while.

Could it be that this file was not saved on this computer?

Jennie sat there and pondered. Lisa usually did his work in this room. That meant that this computer would definitely have stored certain information. It would be impossible if he did not save them here.

Jennie combed through the smaller files on his various portable hard drives carefully. There were only a few files on Lisa's hard drives, and one of them was locked with a password.

Jennie looked at it and keyed in a password. When she opened it, she discovered that it was filled with photos of herself as she grew up...

There were pictures of her as a child. They showed her running around and causing a ruckus in the Manoban household while she played with Yeji. There were also photos of her as a young girl in junior high when she tied her hair in braids.

She saw herself who loved playing basketball in high school leaping up from the court. Lisa had gotten someone to take these pictures of her. She looked like a simple-minded person in these photos.

Next up were the pictures of her in high school. She saw pictures of her at every public speaking competition and every study group meeting she had organized. There were pictures of her in a swimsuit and one where the corners of her mouth were stained with ketchup while eating a steak...

Jennie felt as though she was taking a walk down the memory lane when she looked at those photos.

In their relationship, she had always assumed that she loved Lisa more than he loved her, but now she realized she was the one who tended to show off her love while Lisa had merely chosen to display his in a restrained manner...

The only thing that troubled her was that the indifference Lisa had shown to her during the ten years she had pursued him was a result of his confusion and hesitance toward her love.

A warm heart was hidden behind this man's cold and arrogant appearance!

If she had not gotten to know Lisa better this past year after she was released from prison, she would have never realized that he loved her so much...

Jennie felt bittersweet when she looked at all the pictures in the folder. Her eyes welled up with tears as well.

The woman closed the files and caressed her belly. Although it was still flat, a tiny life was growing in there at the very moment.

She had never stopped loving Lisa despite everything. She had never been able to turn away from the temptation of loving him and had flung herself into the thrill of it recklessly.

She was torn between the Kim Family and the Manoban Family, but her heart was leaning toward Lisa in the final moments.

Nonetheless, she would feel more at ease if Hanbin agreed to leave Luo Hai safe and sound. When she thought of this, she opened the files again.

Seconds and minutes ticked by. Jennie was panicking, but she forced herself to stay calm.

Jennie finally found the information that Hanbin wanted in a hidden file.

She transferred a copy of the file to her flash drive hastily before sending another copy of it to her email.

Ah Fu's shocked cries echoed from downstairs. "Young Master, you've bought so many ingredients! We'll have enough to last us for a really long time!"

"I bought a little bit of everything to make sure that the Mistress gets enough nourishment! Women usually have a hard time when they're pregnant, so I have to take good care of her during these few months. You can leave the cooking to me during this period of time."

Lisa rolled up his sleeves as he said this. This man was a CEO and an incomparably elegant son of an aristocrat, but he looked like an actual chef now...

Ah Fu watched as this godlike man came down upon his high horse and walked into the kitchen. The helpless girl could not help but sigh to herself. She thought, 'The Mistress might just be the most charming person ever. The successor of Luo Hai's first aristocratic family had actually become such a down-to-earth househusband with her...'

Jennie panicked when she heard the noises. Her forehead was immediately covered in sweat. She removed her flash drive right away and pressed the button to turn the computer off.

The woman left the study and rushed into the bedroom. Lisa walked to the corner of the stairs and yelled, "Mistress, are you sleeping again?"

Jennie poked her head out of the bedroom. She pretended to look as if she had just woken up and crawled out of bed. She smiled and said, "Nonsense! As if I'd spend the entire day sleeping. Do I look like a pig to you?"

Jennie had changed into a set of pink pajamas. She looked adorable when the fluffy bunny ears on her outfit fell on her shoulders. Her husband could not help but approach her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lowered his head and kissed her lips...

Their tongues quickly intertwined with each other and the suckling noises they made were getting more and more erotic. Jennie had trouble breathing at one point. She moaned softly as her hands grabbed the smooth flesh around Lisa's waist tightly.

Lisa relaxed a little when he noticed that she needed some air. He did not intend to release her anytime soon though.

This man was an extremely good kisser, but his skills were deadly as well. Jennie felt as though she had turned into a pool of water after kissing for just a while.

Jennie was feeling emotional now. Perhaps this was caused by the pregnancy, or the anxiety that she was feeling earlier. This could have also arisen when she realized that Lisa was keeping secrets from her.

She leaned into Lisa's embrace. Her thoughts and heart were an absolute mess. She murmured, "Everything feels like a dream..."


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora