Minecraft Monday

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This chapter is gonna suck so you shouldn't have to wait long for it.

Tommy was correct, the amount of people he managed to get for this little thing was astonishing. He must've created a few mini tournaments before this one.

Techno didn't mind that much either way, but we was extremely nervous about the tournament once he was actually about to go out there. Heaven knows he has no social skills, and this kind of game needs a teammate.

Kristin had taken it upon herself to make Techno, Phil and Wilbur all look nice for it, so Techno wasn't wearing his usual attire. Though he really liked it, he wasn't sure how to feel about the amount of red it had. Red was never a color he liked. Aside from that though, he really liked the royal feel it had. The cape and everything else matched with his crown. Who knew kristin was so good at this kind of thing.

There was a crowd of people from Vik Star to Ninja. While Skeppy and techno had managed to just slip in with the famous people. He and Skeppy went to different teams, but it was nice to see a familiar face for a moment.

Chat woke up to see what was happening too. Which only stressed him out more.

He was with someone who called himself Shotgun Raids. Techno didn't know if that was his actual name but he didn't really care much anyways.

Techno was a nobody amidst everyone else. He got quite a few strange looks thanks to him being a piglin. He didn't mind though, he had gotten the same thing when he and Dream first fought. And the people who were staring quickly stopped when the game began.

Techno sprinted away from the middle and immediately killed Ninja with a stone axe. He looked famous enough. He almost killed Skeppy, but he decided against it. He and Shotgun went around the place searching for anyone who had little stuff to defend themselves. Shotgun followed his lead. He quickly gained a name for himself, by killing Ninja, according to Chat. As they were chanting something about Ninja being mad.

The two of them slowly accumulated more items and killed anyone they saw. Which was a good way to get more loot.  They found their way back to the middle of the map and started enchanting. They started to camp at mid waiting to kill anyone who stood in their way.

As the round went on Technoblade gained more and more points, soon he was tied for first. They went and started chasing people down, even when it wasn't all that worth it anymore. One of the people they chased managed to  steal Shotgun's boat.

Jack sucks at life killed Skeppy so Techno knocked him off a tree and used a bow to finish him off.

"Y'know, I wasn't expecting my teammate to be a Piglin," Shotgun said.

"That's reasonable." Techno wasn't sure as to where this was going, but he was going to play cool either way. He wasn't allowed to kill his own teammate. It was against the rules and he was hoping to keep himself from doing anything that got him kicked out.

"Maybe," Shotgun said. "You are really good at this though. You're basically carrying me," he admitted.


Near the end of the round, it was just Techno and a few others by the middle. Techno could hear explosions. He figured that he could go in. After eating a gapple, he jumped down from the tree and started attacking DanTDM. He quickly killed him and then someone else he couldn't see clearly stole the kill of Thinknoodles. Then Techno was pinned against JSchlatt.

Schlatt put up a good fight and took a decent amount of Techno's health. Techno pinned Schlatt against a tree, and killed him. Unfortunately without his health, he was killed.

Dying was an experience that he truly hated. It was like his soul was being shoved through a tiny tunnel and put back inside his body. luckily, he was able to keep his energy up, and punched DanTDM before running off in the next round.

He acquired a stone sword and ran off, killing two more people.

The voices were more satisfied than usual, that's for sure.

As for socializing, he was doing pretty good, Shotgun was pretty easy going and didn't mind Techno's bullying. So Techno was actually entertaining. He got a few more kills, despite being damaged from the TNT blasts.

Techno and Shotgun made a pretty good team. Him and techno started attacking people at mid and were able to get a few more people. He was exploded by TNT but he was still able to get pretty close.

Techno was really starting to hate TNT.

The rounds started to fly past and Techno Pulled further and further in the lead. Soon enough it was the final round.

The final round went in their favor, to the point where Techno stopped taking it seriously. They went around looking for more people, he started chasing one. It didn't last very long as he pearled in front of him and stabbed him. Techno was still pretty stressed, chat wasn't being to nice either, always correcting him on things that he already knew.

Eventually the two of them just waited at the middle so that the others could just go to him. They got bored of that and instead just swooped in and started killing everyone. And went back to waiting at the middle again. It turned into a bow battle at the end and he literally killed the last guy on accident.

But he did win, so it didn't really matter how the final guy died.

The fact that he had won didn't really sink in for quite some time.

After fighting, he was starting to like the color red a bit more.


This chapter is pretty bad and has no purpose, but uh I hope you enjoyed anyway I guess?

Either way, the next chapter will be much better and actually important so look forward to that.

Farewell Plerps!

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