the dirty crime boy

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It had been a month since Phil had taken in the little Piglin. He was quite a handful, and Phil thought that he would get worse once he could walk, but actually he was easier now that he could. It was less carrying him around. Sometimes he would even put himself to bed. Phil would be reading and taking notes when he lost track of time. He'd go look for Techno only to find him already asleep. But now that he was healthy. Phil needed to ask where he was from, his family. Maybe he could find the bastion too.

Phil didn't want to. Really really didn't want to. But he closed his book and called for Techno, who was probably playing with Jenga blocks like army soldiers in Phil's room.

"Techno! Come here please!"

Techno heard it and jumped up and ran into the dining room.

"This is important Techno." Phil said.

Technoblade heard the tone and was worried. He climbed up onto the table and looked at Phil.

"Your, uh Family. Where are they?"

How'd he!? He what? How?! why?! Techno's mind was racing. He clenched his jaw. What would he say? What could he say?!

Techno put up the hood on his poncho and looked away from Phil.

Phil was not expecting that. He jumped up and turned Techno towards him again.

He gasped. Techno was sniffling and shaking.

He pulled down the hood. Techno was crying.

"Oh, Technoblade I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit a rough topic."

Techno just continued to cry silently.

Phil had messed up hadn't he?


He pulled him into a hug.

"I didn't mean to." Techno started to shake less. So that was a start.

"They must've been nice."

"Nuh uh. 'eft me. F'rever." Techno choked.

Phil pulled away, and stared at Techno for a second. Then smiled.

"That's ok, I'll make sure no one will ever do that again."

Techno smiled, and hugged Phil.

"Thx. Feil."

If not for the context Phil would've been extatic about him talking. He needed to protect this little guy.


Phil spent a lot of time trying to get Techno to talk again. But Techno didn't really want to it seems. He would mouth words and when Phil didn't know it Techno would spent a lot of time practicing words out loud. But Phil didn't understand why Technoblade wouldn't talk.

Techno really liked learning words. New words that meant the same thing, words that meant different things, words that just meant simple objects, like table, chair, rug.

Phil had decided that since he had nothing to return to in the nether, he would just stay with Phil. And had started working on expanding the house. Getting him his own room.

Which meant going into town and getting more materials for Phil.

And meant learning more words for Techno.

Phil would go around saying the word for things whenever they were out. In an attempt to get Techno to talk more. Techno just liked learning words. And now that he could handle the noise better, he liked going to the market place.

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