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Deon approached Cassis, who had just killed the monster and escaped.
Cassis was in a state of being unable to escape the poisoned sting of the monster because of an urgent approach to save Roxana’s mother.
So his movement was clearly dull than before.

In front of the corpse of the monster, there was Roxana’s mother, who had a dazzling face. Seeing that her legs were loosened, she sat down on the floor without a pulse.
However, Deon immediately attacked Cassis without giving a single gaze to him.

Cassis had no choice but to stumble at the powerful shock that struck the side of the head.

In the meantime, he tried to raise his body with the weapon he had in his hand as a support, but the next moment he kicked his chin and fell.

“Theon, Agriche… … .”
A heated voice spat out like a bite with a vicious tooth.
Poop. The blood flowing from his forehead fell onto the green grass.
Deon turned the spear that struck Cassis’s head, and this time stabbed a part of the restraint with a broken grate.

At that moment, terrible pain penetrated Cassis’ entire body.

“Oh, huh… … !”
The anti-cancer restraint ball was activated in 5 stages, the highest level in an instant.

Cassis struggled with intense pain that penetrated his bones. Deon’s feet crushed him mercilessly.
The unfocused eyes of Roxana’s mother, Sierra Colonis, stared at them. She looked at them somewhat vaguely, as if greatly amazed by what had been a while ago. Then, as if finally recognizing what was happening in front of her, her eyes wide open.

Sierra took a quick breath for a moment and touched her trembling lips. The breathing out of it began to gradually accelerate.

“Aunt Sierra, have you ever been injured… … .”
“Ahhh… … No… … .”
An embarrassment arose in Jeremy’s face as he approached to check Roxana’s mother’s condition.
“Stop, stop… … . Don’t kill.”
“Oh, wait a second. I don’t like this situation.”
“Don’t kill Asil… … .”
Damn it.

Looking in the eyes, it seemed that Roxana’s mother was not in a state of normal thinking. Not only her hands holding her face, but her entire body was trembling.

Nevertheless, her gaze was nailed to Cassis under Deon’s feet.
Seeing that, Jeremy had no choice but to use swear words. Deon looked down at Roxana’s mother with ice-like eyes.

“What are you doing there now?”
Just then, the only person appeared who could clear up the situation.
“Sana sister!”
Jeremy happily called her by name.
Roxana, with an expressionless face, stood with Emily behind him.
Her gaze passed by her mother and Jeremy, who were sitting on the floor, followed by the dead monster and Deon in front of him, followed by Cassis on his feet.

“Emily. Take care of the remaining monsters around you.”
After ordering Emily, she took the step where she stopped.
Now there were only a couple of monsters left around. Roxana also had poison and bodily fluids from the monsters.

“Why is mother here?”
Roxana’s gaze was fixed on Sierra, hesitantly sitting on the floor and trembling. Jeremy replied carefully.
“I think you came out because you were worried about your sister.”
At that moment, Roxana’s eyes fluttered.

“Are you hurt?”
“I don’t think I have it.”
“It’s still a dangerous place because my mother is there. Jeremy, take you in.”

At Roxana’s words, Jeremy opened his mouth to say what was going on.
But soon aware of his situation, he nodded as Roxana noticed.

At that time, a shrieking voice resounded behind Roxana.
Mary was the master of the screaming voice. She escaped from the greenhouse following Roxana’s back, and found Sierra sitting in front of the dead body of a monster, and ran out panting.

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