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 Power Present dayNeverland

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Present day

The rest of the family was boarding a small boat at the edge of the cave. All, except for Regina, were more concerned with getting out than Pan and I's presence.

A fireball formed in Regina's hands, "Stand back, I've got this."

Pan flinched and I stepped in front of him, "Regina no!"

"What?" she said in disbelief, "this kid just tried to kill my son!"

"I know, I know," I tried to bargain, "But he's different now."

She extinguished her fire and scoffed, "and you expect me to trust him?"

"No. Trust me."

Regina bit her lip before sighing, "fine. Now how do we get out of here."

Emma held tight onto Henry's shoulder as they sat in the small boat, "We have no more magic beans."

"there's one other way," Pan spoke up, "You all may not like it."

We all turned our attention to Peter in confusion.

"We'll try anything," Snow stepped forward.

Pan looked over to his son then down at me, "we have three of the most powerful beings in this cave. If we all combine our magic, we can make a portal."

"and how exactly do you expect to do that," Gold said with sarcasm.

Pan licked his bottom lip before continuing, "I know I haven't been the best of boys, but if Rumple, Luna, and I do a certain spell over the water, it may work."

"What do you mean by 'may,'" Regina scoffed, "we don't have time to play scientist."

Snow elbowed the brunette before looking to her family.

Emma, Neal, and David nodded and everyone looked to Hook and Rumple.

"Aye, I've got nothing to lose," Killian smirked.

Gold rolled his eyes before smiling, "I've got to get back to Belle somehow."

I smiled at the group before turning to Peter, "Let's do this."


The lost boys boarded the ship as Gold, Peter and I reviewed the spell. The scroll of instructions sat on a small wooden box on the main deck. We starred at it in both confusion and curiosity.

The scroll read:
Hand by hand,
hurl by hurl,
with power of man,
and the power of a girl
the world is unlimited.
Any place, any time
as long as there's a bind.

"what the hell kind of spell is this?" Gold remarks.

I shake my head in dismay and turn to Peter.

He sighs, "Why do you think I stick to the beans?"

Gold looks toward Pan with a death stare.

"Hey," Emma catches our attention from behind us, "how's it going?"

"This genius brought us a riddle, not a spell," Gold leaned on his cane.

Pan looked at the man in annoyance, "At least I'm trying to get you guys back home."

As the two bickered behind me I continued to stare at the scroll before me. It couldn't have been that complicated. I held up the scroll, noticing something seep through the paper when it came in contact with the sun.

I furrowed my brows before blocking out the sun with the paper. An almost invisible image of a wave, tornado, and a heart appeared. I lowered the paper and squinted my eyes before looking out at the ocean.

A familiar voice from behind me spoke up, "All lost boys aboard!"

I turn to meet Pans eyes from his spot next to Emma. I smile before looking down at the scroll again.

"Guys, I got it!" Everyone directed their attention toward me, "We need to wait for a storm."

I could already feel the sarcasm dripping from Gold before he spoke, "that's great, only one problem with that, there's no storm."

"then make one," I said through my teeth.

He scoffed, "how exactly do I do that, dearie?"

"never mind," I rolled my eyes, "I'll do it myself since you're useless."

I turned around and faced the ocean before closing my eyes to concentrate. To make a storm had to be no different than making fire. I just had to imagine it then throw it out into the real world.

With my eyes closed, I slowly raise my hands to the sky. After a moment of silence, I opened my eyes to see the still blue sky laughing at my attempt.

In a slight fit of range, I threw my arms down to my side and thunder cracked over the clouds. The once blue sky turned dark gray. Light rain began to sprinkle over us.

I turned to the group with the biggest smile on my face, "Okay, now let's get to work."


Pan and I peered over the side of the boat as Hook was at the wheel.

"You ready?" I yelled over to him.

He nodded, "aye."

I turned my attention to the roaring seas. Sighing deeply, I closed my eyes. A hand fell upon my shoulder and my lids shot open.

"We can do this." Pan's voice comforted.

"I know, I know," I repeated, "I'm just worried we're wrong about the scroll."

"Only one way to find out."

I smiled up at the sweet man before grabbing onto his finger, but the moment was soon swept away by none other than Hook.

"Let's get this going, shall we!"

My eyes rolled back into my head before Pan and I focused back onto the ocean. We began to combine our magic into the ocean, creating a whirlpool.

The storm only got worse as we forced all our magic into the rough waters.

Suddenly, a spark of light shot up out of the pool. Pan and I stoped with our magic and stared at the portal in awe.

"Hang on!" Hook yelled at us all.

Everyone held onto the edges as he veered the ship towed the whirlpool. We were immediately sucked in.

All light was gone.

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