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Henry and BaePresent dayStorybrooke

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Henry and Bae
Present day

After a while, the dwarves, Granny, and Ruby arrived with the truck. Granny tied the rope to the truck as David wrapped the other end around his butt.

"That better hold," David said as he stood on the edge of the hole.

Leroy nodded and assured the price, "It'll hold."

Snow walks up to David and plants a firm kiss onto his lips, "Most people would let that giant die after what he's done."

"You wouldn't," He responds.

Snow smiles and backs away.

David shimmies down the hole, "Alright, Anton! I'm coming down!

Once he disappears he yells out to Anton, "Take my hand."

"No!" the small giant yells at him.

"No?" David repeats.

"I don't want to go back up there," Anton admits, "I should just let go!"

"You'll die," David blatantly points out.

Anton stubbornly keeps talking, "Maybe death hurts less than life."

"If you really wanted to die, you would have let go already," David yells at him, "Now take my hand!"

A loud slap echoed out of the hole, signaling that Anton had grabbed onto David's hand. The people holding the rope began to pull and soon the two were back above ground.

"You saved my life," Anton said.

David shrugged and removed the rope from his body, "That's what we do."

Anton turned to the rest of us, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Leroy nodded as he threw the rope into the bed of the truck.

"We're not all the same, Anton," David said as he put his hand on Anton's shoulder, "I don't know what my brother did to you, but... That's not us."

"You have no idea," the man said as he frowned.

"Beers on me back at Granny's!" Leroy yelled causing everyone to cheer.

The dwarves piled into the car while the rest of them walked back to dinner. I decided to go home, wanting to calm down and hopefully get my headache to go away.

I walked back to the hospital and got into my car, driving back home. As soon as I walked through the doors, my phone rang. I groaned, causing Will to look up and laugh.

I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was Emma. I slightly smiled and accepted the call, "Hey Emma, how's it going?"

I kicked my shoes off as I listened to her, "Not good, Luna, not good!"

"Woah, hey, calm down," I walked over to the island and sat down, "What happened."

"It's Baelfire. You know him right?"

"Yeah, my entire life revolves around him, why?"

Will gave me a confused look and I secretly put Emma on speaker so he could listen, "He's Henry's father."

My eyes widened and I looked up at Will as he mirrored my expression, "What?"

"I met him a couple years ago and he blackmailed me into getting arrested. I found out I was pregnant in jail."

I stared at Will as I thought about everything, "Okay, wait. So Gold is Henry's grandfather?"

"Yeah," She sighed, "I don't know what to do. Mary Margaret isn't answering so you're my next best thing and it feels weird because you're a lot younger than me-"

"I'm around the same age as Bae," I cut her off.

She groans, "I know but I met you as a teenager- you know what, that doesn't matter. What do I do."

"Emma, you of all people know that Henry should know who his father is," I say slowly, "He has a right and so does Bae."

"I just don't want him to get hurt," She cries.

"He won't hurt his son, trust me on that one."

She sighs and sniffles, "You're right. I gotta go."

"Okay Emma, good luck."

She let out a small, "Thanks." than hung up.

I stared down at the phone as I took in all the information. I looked up at Will and he blinked slowly.

"Wow," He simply said.

I sighed and put my hands on my head, "You don't even know the worst part."

He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Pan is Gold's father."

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