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The Light sidePresent dayStorybrooke

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The Light side
Present day

Emma opened the door to Mary Margaret's apartment for me. I walked in to see her leaning against the kitchen counter as she sipped her coffee and read a book.

"Back so soon?" She asked, not looking up.

I turned to Emma as she shut the door and walked up next to me. She shrugged before walking to her room.

I smile at Mary Margaret before speaking, "It's been a while."

Her eyes bolted up at the sound of my voice and she smiled widely at me.


She closed her book and walked over to me, bringing me into a large hug. Emma came back into the kitchen and stifled her laughter at the sight.

"Hey," I squeaked out while in her bone-crushing hug.

She backed away, keeping her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me.

"It's good to have you back, Brooklyn."

I smiled and looked at the sweet woman.

"It's good to be back."

"Brooke and I are going back down to the station," Emma spoke up as she grabbed a coat, "we'll be back later tonight."

"Be safe!" Mary Margaret yelled as Emma pulled me over to the door.

We walked out into the stairway and Emma shut the door. She turned to me and we stared at each other for a second.

"Let's go," she said as she brushed past me.

We got into her car and drove to the station. We walked in to see Henry sitting at a desk reading a big book.

"Hey, kid," Emma greeted him.

He looked up from the book and smiled at her.

"Hey mom," he looked over at me, "hey Brooke."

I smiled at the boy, "Hey Henry."

He looked back toward Emma as she walked to her desk and pulled out a file. I walked over to her as she opened the manila folder. Papers nearly filled it to the brim.

"What's this?" I asked as I stared down at the words.

She sighed, "this...is Alec's file."

My eyes widened, "damn."

She nods in response, "he's been in and out of here for years due anything from public intoxication to breaking and entering. No family or friends until you came along."

She looked over at me as I scanned over the pages.

The door to the office opened, causing both of us to direct our attention to the intruder. Graham stood in the doorway staring at the two of us.

"Miss Smith," he greeted me coldly then looked over at Emma, "why is she here?"

"Alec went missing," she informed him.

The room was filled with tension. The last time I saw him, I nearly killed him. The scar on his forehead proved it.

"Brooke, why don't you take Henry to Granny's or something," Emma said awkwardly as she broke the silence.

I nodded, still looking at Graham, then I walked up to Henry as he shoved the book into his backpack. We walked out the door and I made sure to brush shoulders with Graham as we stared each other down.

We walked out of the station and down the sidewalk in silence.

"So," Henry started, "I take it you and Graham aren't friends?"

I laughed, "no. Not at all."

He nodded, "I'm not too sure about him either."

I smiled down at the boy as he looked forward in thought.

"Do you know who August is?" I asked as I thought back to the breakfast this morning.

Henry's eyes immediately lit up at the mention of the older man, "yeah!"

I smiled at his excitement, "Who is he exactly?"

The boy looked up at me, "well...if I tell you, you'll think I'm crazy."

"Listen," I scoffed, "my best friend is missing and I met a man with a wooden leg. The day cannot get any more crazy."

Henry stopped walking and turned to me, "you could see it?"

I stopped and turned to him, "why does everyone keep asking me that?"

He smiled widely at me and grabbed my hand.

"where are we going?" I asked as I almost tripped over my own feet.

Henry kept on moving, "we're going to see August."

He pulled me up to Granny's B&B and shoved me through the doors.

The front desk was empty so Henry just walked up the steps.

"Henry, wait," I laughed at him as I followed behind him.

He walked into the hallway and Henry pounded on a door. I caught up and stood next to him. August's face appeared once the door opened.


"Did you know Brooke knew?" Henry cuts him off.

August stares at me then looks back at Henry. He steps aside and the small boy pulls me into the room.

August closes the door, "Yes, I knew."

"What's the big deal about the leg!" I asked, still lost and confused.

The two turn to me .

"August is Pinocchio," Henry let's out.

I raise my eyebrow and look at the kid, "he's what?"

"He's Pinocchio," he repeats, "a long time ago my mom, the evil queen, put a curse on the people in the enchanted forest. The only person who could break the curse is my mom, who is Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter."

I stare at the boy. If it were any other day I would have called him crazy and left the conversation there. But with what happened when I went to visit Gold, the theory wasn't a long shot.

I looked over at August then back at Henry, "so you're telling me that Mary Margaret is Emma's mom?"

Henry looked over at August then back at me, "I never said who Snow White is."

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