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Lookout Present dayStorybrooke

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Present day

When I walked into the station in the morning, Emma nearly ran me over as she walked out the door.

"Woah, hey," I grabbed her upper arm, "where are you going?"

"We," she corrected as she spun around and walked outside, "are going to go find David Nolan because his wife is missing."

"David's wife is missing?" I asked as we rushed into the police cruiser.

Emma started it and turned on the sirens, "Yeah, and it doesn't look good."


We picked up David from his home and drove him in for questioning.

I handed Emma and him two mugs filled with hot chocolate as we sat down in her office.

"I hope Katherine's somewhere warm," David says as he holds onto the warm mug, "not out in the cold."

"David," Emma says, catching his attention, "I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more here. Your wife is missing. You're in love with another woman. There's this unexplained phone call..."

"I know. I know. I just can't explain why it says that," he said, frustration laced in his voice, "I didn't do anything to my wife."

"We're pretty good at spotting a liar," I said to him and he almost froze, "and liars have better material."

Emma smiles at him, "Now go home."

David looks up at her as she walks toward the door, "I can go?"

"We don't even know if there was a crime yet," she says as she opened the door, "so get some sleep."

David gets up from the chair and sets the mug down on the desk.

"Thank you," he says as he walks to the door.

"And David," Emma stops him, "maybe get a lawyer."

He slowly walked out of the office and Emma turned to me.

I sighed and plopped down on the seat, resting my head in my hands, "This looks so bad."

"I know," she said as she grabbed her coat, "I'm going to find Mary Margaret. I'll be back soon."


I watched as she walked out the door, taking the keys to her punch buggy on her way out.

After an hour of answering phone calls left and right, I decided to take a break and grab something from Granny's.

I walked through the doors and ordered two grilled cheeses for Emma and I, Henry was going to be at the station soon, so I figured a hot cocoa with cinnamon would be good for him.

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