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Ahoy!Present dayStorybrooke

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Present day

Belle and I were cleaning up the mess at the library. We were sitting on the floor as books were sprawled out in front of us.

Belle stopped about halfway through.

"What?" I asked.

She turned to me before leaning forward and grabbing a knotted rope, "Do you know what this is?"

I furrowed my eyebrows before grabbing it from her before staring widely at it.

I looked at her and helped her off of the ground, "You're amazing!"

"W-what is it?" she laughs.

I grab the top of it and hang it in front of her, "The monkey's claw. It's a sailors knot."

"Hook came here on his ship," Belle smirked.

I nodded before shoving the rope into my pocket. Belle grabbed my hand and walked us outside.

"We need to go to the docks," she announced, but stopped and turned to me, "You won't tell Rumpel, will you?"

I laughed, "And let him have all the fun? I don't think so."

We eventually made our way down to the docks only to find that there were no pirate ships within eyesight.

"Where is it?" Belle asks as she looks around.

I shrug before looking around, "No idea."

"Uh-is that normal?" Belle speaks up as she points to the sky.

I follow her finger and my eye lands upon a seagull perched on an invisible object. I furrow my eyebrows before turning around and seeing a bird feed container. I quickly open it up and grab a handful of feed, throwing it at the invisible object.

The feed lands on a set of stairs and I smile at Belle, "Found it."

We walked up to the steps and I helped Belle carefully walk up the stairs. She disappeared after the third step. I took a deep breath and followed behind her.

The main deck of the ship appeared. I paused for a moment, taking in the old memories.

"Hello?" A male voice rang out.

The unfamiliar voice caught me off guard. I looked at Belle then rushed below deck. Her heels pounded against the wood as she chased after me.

"Hello?" The voice sounded out again.

The two of us walked into a room and Belle yelled out, "Uh... H-Hello?"

"Down here!" the voice answered.

I walked to the back wall and opened up a small box. Belle gasps when she saw what was inside.

"Belle! Brooklyn!" Archie cheered, "Oh, thank God!"

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