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The Tiny GiantPresent dayStorybrooke

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The Tiny Giant
Present day

I got a call in the morning from Emma. She had told me that she was going to New York with Gold and Henry to find Baelfire. She had put David in charge of the station and had given me the day off because she knew I was tired from the previous night. I texted David and told him to call me if he needed anything, despite Emma's orders.

Around elleven, I decided to visit Belle and see how she was doing. I knew her memory still wasn't back, but being her friend could be an important tool for later.

I walked into the hospital to find her watching television in the commons.

"Hey," I greeted her. She looked at me with her lost eyes and I smiled, "You don't remember me, do you?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, no, I... I don't."

"I'm Luna. I used to help you out at the Library," I lie, "I thought you could use some comforts from home. You were always telling me about Jules Verne, so I brought you my favorite: The Mysterious Island."

"Thank you. Were... Were we really friends?" She stutters.

I smile down at her, "Yeah, we were."

"Then tell me the truth," She sits up in her chair and leans toward me, "Before I was brought here, I was hurt. I was bleeding, and then this man came. And he... He healed me. Then, I saw him hold a ball of fire in his hands. How... How is that possible?!"

I gave her a soft smile, "The nurse said that the tranquilizers can give you wicked nightmares."

"No, I know what I saw," She stands up, "And I don't need any more tranquilizers or-"

"Belle-" I try to talk her down but she cuts me off.

"Don't call me that. Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Belle yells as a nurse comes up behind her to restrain her.

"Take it easy. Take it easy," the blonde woman says as she sits Belle back down into the chair.

"Has she been like this the whole time?" I cringe as I watch the nurse stick a needle into Belle's arm.

"More or less," She answered as Belle slowly calmed down, "We've had to keep her heavily sedated. Okay, let's get you back to bed."

"No..." Belle pleads as the nurse guides her out of the room.

My eyes followed Belle out of the room before they landed on the man from the car crash...Greg Mendell.

"Everything okay in here?" He noisily asks.

I smile sweetly at him, "Everything's fine, Mr. Mendell. I'm deputy Luna Woods. How are you doing?"

"Much improved," He extends his hand out to me and I shake it, "Nice to meet you Ms. Woods."

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