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Ink On PaperPresent dayEnchanted Forest

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Ink On Paper
Present day
Enchanted Forest

"Rumpelstiltskin's cell," Snow says as we walk into the dark and gloomy dungeon, "I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the saviour."

Mulan and Aurora walk into the cell and begin to look around.

Emma turns to her, "He knew?"

"Shady bitch knows everything," I say sourly as I stand next to her.

Snow gives me a look before turning to Emms, "It was prophesized. Come on."

Snow walks toward the two girls and stops.

"The squid ink," Aurora says, "it's not here."

Snow looks at the princess, "Gold said we would find it."

Aurora begins to check the crevices in the walls.

"Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asks.

"No, he was kept alone," Snow answers, "Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact."

Emma's eyes widen at the thought, "How'd he keep from going crazy?"

"He didn't," Aurora says, causing us to direct our attention to her. She held a yellow scroll in her hands as she read it.

Snow tilted her head and walked up to her, "What is it?"

"Is that a message?" Emma says, following her mother's actions.

"Yes," She said and walked closer to Emma, "And I think it's for you."

"Why would you think..." Aurora hands Emma the scroll, causing her to pause, "...That."

I walk over to Emma and look over her shoulder at the note. Her name was written down over the entire thing.

"Wonder if he had creator's block," I joked, but no one laughed.

"What does this even mean?" Emma asked as she looked at the paper.

"He was obsessed with you, Emma," Snow explains, "You were the key to breaking the curse."

"We've looked everywhere. There's no ink in this cell," Aurora's shrieking voice rang out.

"Well, it has to be," Snow said, "He told David."

Emma sits down on the ground as she continues to look over the scroll, "You were in a Netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation."

"No," Mulan said as she walked over to us, "She heard right."

Snow looked up in hope, "You found it?"

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