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Luna Woods Who?Present dayStorybrooke

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Luna Woods Who?
Present day

"So you know?" August spoke up.

I looked at him as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I uh," I paused, looking for the right words, "I have dreams or something. It's just a theory."

August limped over to me, "you're right. Emma is Mary Margaret's daughter."

"What about her dreams," Henry says to August.

August turns to me, "yeah, what about these dreams?"

"Weird things have been happening to me, so when Mr, Gold got stabbed, I went to visit him," I explained, "long story short he called me 'dearie' and I went through flashbacks."

"So you remember your time in the forest?" August asks.

I shake my head, "I don't even know who I was."

Henry swings his backpack around and takes out the book. He sits on the ground and flips through the pages. August motions for me to sit next to the boy.

I sat down and looked at the pages. Beautifully drawn pictures were posted on one side as words were on the other.

Henry stopped flipping once he reached a page where a young girl with a sword stood in the forest.

"You're Luna Woods, I've known as soon as I saw you," Henry beamed.

"Luna Woods, Huh," August said as he sat on the edge of his bed, "you were a legend."

I looked up at him then back down at the book, "a legend?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "you were pretty feared and respected. But one day you just vanished. People figured that the queen threw you in her dungeon."

I looked over at Henry as he spoke, "I tried to figure out where you went, and the last thing about you in here is that you went through a portal."

"Where did I go?"

Henry shrugs.

"I was a puppet at the time you went missing," August spoke.

I nodded, "so I was gone for a long time?"

He nodded and I furrowed my eyebrows in thought.

"So, you can't remember anything?" Henry asks.

I shake my head, "I remember looking for a girl with Mr. Gold and hiding Mary Margaret from the queen and chasing after Alec. But that's it."

I felt the two burn holes into the side of my face as I attempted to jog more of my memory.

"So who is everyone?" I ask as I look over at Henry.

He smiled widely and turned his book to the first page. A young couple appeared.

"This is Mary Margaret and the John Doe that popped up a few days ago. His name here is David."

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