Bonus Chapter 3

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"You'll understand someday that You're my four seasons."

After a few weeks,

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After a few weeks,

Athena's bump was starting to show more visibly. She was in her fifth month of pregnancy and I have been taking her to regular checkups as well Emily too. She was starting to get back pains and she vomits a bit. I was worried about and mom said it was normal during this time. I have seen not seen Emily like this so I was glad she didn't endure this, but Athena was enduring this and it makes me worry about her. Every day I was longing to stay with her. I don't want Aiden to bear all the work pent upon him because of Lucas and me. Aiden said not to worry and take care of them. Rosaline has been helping him with the kinds of stuff in the office as they both manage the company very well. 

Athena said that the baby will start hearing in the fifth month. Even though she said, I have been talking to them without getting tired. I would place my head on her belly as I would figure out their heartbeats. Athena was feeling too much. She would want to cry without a reason and get angry with others without a reason. She has gained weight and her dress was not fitting it would rile her up so much as she would cry that her dress didn't fit her anymore. I would just console her that it is her hard work for the baby and she is even more beautiful when she is chubbier. It's true, a pregnant woman is much more beautiful than normal looking. The way her face glows when she traces her hand on her big belly. The way she becomes chubbier and cuter day by day and the way she smiles when I squish her cheeks. 

She even looked hotter and sexier and this small comment would make her blush so much. I would just hug her from behind lacing our hands together on her belly since it's difficult for us to hug from the front. We would stand and look at ourselves in the mirror and tell her how much she glows and how much she makes me happier and I would give her compliments every day and would buy her what she wants for the moment. I'm buying her gifts randomly that she likes and she would cherish them so much. Even if I buy her a small thing she would treasure it. 

She has been experiencing back pain and she gets disturbed in sleep. I would lay her back on me and lull her to sleep as she was comfortable in that position. I wouldn't sleep until she sleeps peacefully. I don't care about my sleeping schedule and all that mattered to me was this perfect woman who made my life beautiful. I couldn't be able to sleep on her like before. I would tell her that I miss sleeping on her, and she would laugh at me as she hugged me pressing a kiss to my forehead. I would kiss her whenever the chance I get and I would sneak up on her and steal a kiss from her. 

We did a photoshoot to remember our first-time pregnancy together. The photos have come out so well and they have been framed and hung in our room. I loved each and every picture we took. 

Days and weeks and months rolled faster, it has reached her pregnancy time. She may give birth to our babies at any time. Her belly was protruding and big.  After a few weeks, It was difficult and at the same time, we were waiting for the babies to come out. It was worth it. Emily too was coping up with pregnancy and I had no need to tell them about Lucas because he is hell as nervous just like I'm. The excitement and thrill have been changing and confusing us. I can't wait for the moment when the babies come out. 

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