Bonus Chapter 5

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"Together with love..."

After a couple of years,

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After a couple of years,

"Noah baby! Have you packed what I asked before?" I asked him as he nodded munching on the chocolate in his hand, while Alex was pouting at Noah and his chocolate. Alex is restricted from eating chocolates because of his poor teeth. 

We were all going to gift the poor children with the toys they had. The kids are already grown up and they even agreed to give them all of it since they don't have it. They always like to spend their fair share of time with the kids in the home. They all love it so much.

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon me as I carefully packed the toys into neatly labeled boxes. The air was filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation as I thought about the joy these toys would bring to children who would now call the orphanage their home.

As I tied ribbons around the boxes and adorned them with cheerful notes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. The act of giving held a special place in my heart, and the prospect of these toys bringing happiness to other children fueled my purpose. I want to see their smile when they get those. With the boxes neatly packed and ready to go, I took a moment to reflect. I carried the boxes to my car, the sun climbing higher in the sky, casting a golden hue over the day. 

Driving towards the orphanage, I envisioned the smiles that would light up young faces as they unwrapped the gifts of generosity. It was a simple yet profound act of kindness, a ripple of joy that would touch the lives of those I would never meet.

As we reached the orphanage, my heart swelled with a mix of emotions. The staff greeted us warmly, and together, they unloaded the boxes filled with love. The sound of excited laughter soon filled the air as children discovered the treasures within. 

Liam came and stood beside he watched our kids playing with the other kids. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned against him smiling softly. 

"I'm so proud of our kids and you, baby girl!" He kissed my cheeks while I pushed him away playfully.

"I know they are so small, but they have big hearts." I smiled as I saw Alex and Adam playing with the toys they gave to the kids who had big smiles on their faces. I looked behind to see a familiar face laughing among the kids. I pulled out of Liam's hold and stood there in shock as I couldn't believe my eyes. 

He is here after a long time. I saw him. I saw my sister's fiance Reynolds. He is sitting there among the kids laughing along with them. My eyes welled up in tears and pain as I thought about how I was going to face him. What would he think of me? Will he also think that I killed her? Will he forgive me? Will he accept me as his sister? Is he okay after that tragedy? 

Liam stood by my side as he nudged me to go forward. 

"Why? Why now?" I asked him and I know this guilt has been eating me up for years, but now that Liam has found him and brought him to me. I want to let go of it.

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