Chapter 29

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After meeting you, my heart became a magical place. After kissing you, my lips became a wetland flooded with passion. Loving you is so natural to me, it makes everything right. If you ever saw my bent knees, I must have been praying for you, if you ever saw my eyes shut, I must have been dreaming about you and if you saw me waiting, it must have been for you. in this piece.

He was laying in my chest peacefully sleeping

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He was laying in my chest peacefully sleeping. I was stroking his hair and scalp as he closed his eyes. I just blurted out the question in the moment and I just wanted to know that he liked someone or not. I  never expected him to share at the second I asked him. From looking into his eyes it was clearly visible that he at least trusted her as a friend. You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible. after all he trusted her but she broke it without even feeling guilty. I want to strangle that Claire girl to death for hurting Liam so much. She betrayed him like he was her toy to play with. He is one rare piece of man. He deserves to be trusted and happy.

Liam called me baby girl. All I remembered is Isabella calling me that. She always irritate to the core just like that naming baby girl. I remembered the day she gave that name,

"Athena, Come downstairs! Oliver and Isabella are here!" My mom Melissa shouted from the living room.

"Coming mom!" I shouted back as I was hurrying to dress up neatly. My father died when I was five. It has been five years since he died. After his death mom was not normal. She would cry whenever I'm not present. She would hide those tears and make a happy face with me. But I know she did feel empty in her heart. Oliver Greene was my dad's best friend. They always took care of us everytime. His family was another family to us. 

His wife Mary died giving birth to Isabella. We get along very well. Mom too moved on with her life and gave her life a second chance. Oliver too loved her as much she did. I was happy because mom was happy and content. I was blessed with a sister Isabella. She is only a year elder to me. 

I know Oliver considers me as his child, but he can never replace my father. I'm going to accept him for my mother. I never changed my last name which I was glad they never compelled me to do.

I quickly brushed away the thoughts and went downstairs.

"Hey Athena!" My soon-to-be-step-father smiled at me. 

"Hello, Oliver and Bella." I greeted them with a full blown smile. I like them. They are my new family. I just need to adjust myself around them. 

"Alright sweeties! You both go and play while we finish off the cooking." My mom exclaimed happily pulling Oliver into the kitchen. 

"So little one, what are we gonna do?" Bella asked grinning. 

"I'm not little one!" I huffed.

"Yes you are!" She said tilting her head with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

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