Chapter 79

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It was evening and Mason and I were on the couch watching a movie.

,,Why are we watching this garbage again?" Mason asked me annoyed.

,,It's not garbage! Titanic is a must-see classic," I explained.

,,But the ending is so obvious, they get married and have kids.
And, if they didn't die, they're still alive today," he said.

,,We'll see about that," I said.

After two hours I was crying in Mason's arms because the ending was so heartbreaking.

,,They didn't have a happy ending," Mason said, stroking my head.

,,I was so sure they were going to make it, they were meant to be together," I said, sobbing.

,,Maybe they'll make it in another life," he said.

,,But he is dead," I said.

,,It was just a movie," he said with a grin.

,,I know, but I hate it when couples don't have happy endings," I explained.

,,Stop crying Britt, I can't watch your beautiful eyes tearing" he said and wiped my tears away while pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I loved these tender guests of his.

,,Do you think our love story has a happy ending?" I asked.

It was a question I had wanted to ask Mason for so long.
The thought that Mason and I don't have a happy ending and anything can separate us makes me nervous.
I don't know how I could live without him.

,,Yes," he said simply.

,,Really? So you never thought about the fact that you and I wouldn't have a happy ending in the end?

,,No. You are my soul mate, why should anything separate us?" he asked.

,,I don't know, Jack and Rose were meant to be together, but they didn't have a happy ending," I said.

,,Jack and Rose are fictional characters that have nothing to do with real life, Britney," he said.

,,I'm still afraid that we won't have a happy ending in the end," I said.

,,I think you forgot that we are real people and not some book or movie characters," he explained.

,,Yes, you're right," I said and snuggled into his chest.

,,I'll make sure we have a happy ending," he said and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

,,Promise?" I asked.

,,I promise Britney," he said.

,,I hope we both grow old together," I said.

,,We definitely will, baby," he explained.

,,Do you want to have children someday?" I asked.

,,What made you think of that?" he asked.

,,Well, we never talked about such things," I explained.

,,No, I don't," he said.

,,Oh, why?" I asked.

,,Because the world is mostly cruel and I don't want to do that to my children.
If I hadn't met you, I would have had no reason to live," he explained.

,,Okay," I said.

,,And you? Would you like to have children?" he asked.

,,I used to want to because I wanted to give my children a future that I never had, but now I agree with you.
Why bring children into the world when the world is cruel.
Of course, not everything in the world is bad and there are beautiful sides, but I just don't want to be responsible for the suffering of my children someday," I said.

Infinity (ENGLISH VERSION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora