Chapter 86

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After my impulsive decision to keep the child after all, I went home again.

I had to tell Mason tonight.
Otherwise he would hate me.

He would find out sooner or later anyway.
And who knows, maybe he won't react as badly as I make it out to be, but will support me and even be happy.

Oh that would be nice.

I know myself that it won't be like that, but I wanted to stay in my dream bubble, which would soon be destroyed.

I parked the car and then went to the door.

The whole apartment smelled of garlic and chicken.
I loved it when Mason cooked.
I was a terrible cook myself, but Mason never seemed to mind.

,,Hey Britt " he said, coming up to me.

"Hey," I breathed against his chest as I snuggled up to him.

One tiny touch from him and I feel safe right away.
As if everything in my life was going well and I was safe and secure.

,,How was it at the hairdresser? Let me see your hair," he said.

I had told him that I was at the hairdresser.

,,Oh yes, that, I was not at the hairdresser," I said.

,,Then where were you all day?" he asked.

,,Um, walking." I lied.

,,You're lying," he said and broke away from me.

,,What, no I'm not," I said in a squeaky voice.

,,But whenever you lie to me, your eyes widen," he said.

,,That's not true," I hissed.

,,Look, there you go again," he said, pointing at my eyes.

I urgently have to get rid of this characteristic.

,,Where were you?" he asked me, clearly tense.

,,Nowhere." I lied for the fourth time that day.

,,Britney don't provoke me."

,,I'm not, Mason, but I just can't tell you." I admitted.

He winced at my words, as if I had hit him.

,,Are you cheating on me?" he asked, hurt.

How could he even ask that?
He knows there is no one else but him.

,,What? No!" I said.

,,Yes, that's why you've been so distant lately! Fuck Britney who is it?" he yelled.

,,Mason I'm not fucking cheating on you!" I hissed.

,,Then what is it that you can't tell me?" He asked.

,,It's nothing!" I hissed with tears in my eyes.

,,Tell Britney!" he ordered.

,,I-I...I'm pregnant!" I said, and I watched his face
and I watched him go pale in the face.

I stared at him with tears in my eyes and waited for his reaction.

,,Please say something," I begged.

He stared at me with his mouth open.

,,I-I know we're both still young, but I want to keep this child, Mason, even if you leave me for it," I said, sobbing.

He looked at me blankly.

,,Say something, anything!" I pleaded.

He silently approached me and looked me in the eyes.
He walked out the door without another word.


That couldn't really happen.

He wouldn't dare leave me alone.
I collapsed on the floor and cried.

,,Why? Why me!" I cried out to the world.

I knew Mason wouldn't react well, but I didn't know he would say nothing and just walk out the door.

Where did he even go?
Would he come back?

No, he wouldn't.
Why would he? I just destroyed his life.

I thought I knew Mason, but I was wrong.
He had left me alone without even batting an eye.

I was on my own now.
I would still raise the child, even if Mason was no longer by my side.

I thought our forever would last forever.

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