Chapter 22

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You know those moments when you wish it was all just a dream?
Because the thing is so terrible that you wish you would wake up any moment?
That's exactly how I felt just as Ace pushed up my dress and exposed my bare thigh.
I had no control over what he was doing to me and I felt so weak.
I couldn't even talk properly or scream for help.

,,You are so fucking hot" said Ace.

,,Please stop" I whispered because I was not able to speak.

,,Don't be a slut and shut up" he said while he started kissing my neck.

I felt like throwing up.
It was my body, but I had no control over it.

,,Please," I breathed.

,,Shut up!" he said as he lashed out.

He hit me on the face and I felt hot tears running down my face.
I couldn't even keep my eyes open.
I didn't expect this from Ace, he was never my type, but he always seemed nice and funny.
He started touching my thighs and tears fell down my cheek, but I couldn't help myself.

,,Open the damn door, Ace! Or I swear I will kill you with my bare hands" Mason yelled from behind the door.


,,This time, unfortunately, you won't be there to protect them," said Ace.

,,You don't touch a girl if she doesn't want you to, what's so hard to understand?" said Mason.

,,Don't worry, she wants this," said Ace.

,,If you even touch her, you'll wish you were never born," said Mason.

I knew if I didn't do something now, it would be the end.
I couldn't talk, but I took all my strength and said Mason's name as loud as I could.
As I said it, I heard a loud noise and I noticed Ace quickly climbing off of me.
Mason had flung open the door.

,,Mason calm down, I wasn't going to touch her" Ace lied.

I opened my eyes and saw Mason grab him by the collar and choke him until his face turned red.

You hurt her and you're going to pay for it, but first I have to make sure my girl is okay" Mason said and ran to me while lifting me up.

,,Britney," he breathed and kissed me on the forehead.

,,Shit, what did you give her?" asked Mason when he realized the state I was in.

,,Nothing, she just drank too much," Ace lied.

,,He's...lying" I said to Mason.

,,Shut up!" Ace yelled at me.

,,I'm going to take her to my room and if you hurt one hair on her head, I'm going to make you suffer," Mason said.

,,Don't listen to her! Britney is a lying little bitch" I heard Ace say on the floor.

,,What the hell did you just call her?" Mason asked.

,,You think you can treat anyone you want here, but you've probably forgotten that you're just a fucking good-for-nothing in this world," said Ace.

,,I swear to God, if you touch her one more time, I'm going to cut your hand off and feed it to you," Mason said as he walked out of the room with me.

,,You know yourself that you don't love her! She's just another one of your conquests," said Ace.

,,Shut up, you worthless piece of shit!" yelled Mason.

,,Britney, I'll tell you one thing, after he takes your virginity, he'll drop you," said Ace.

,,If I were you, I'd better run, because I'm going to hurt you," said Mason.

,,He's going to hurt you, Britney," said Ace.

,,Fuck you!" said Mason.

,,Ask Mason how he knows Carla so well" said Ace and I felt Mason tense up.

,,Shut the fuck up!" said Mason.

What did Ace mean by that?
Carla and Mason don't know each other, do they?
The day Carla visited, I also had the strange feeling that they had known each other for a while, but that seemed completely crazy to me, because I knew every one of Carla's friends and Mason was definitely not one of them.
I would love to run up to Ace and ask him what he meant by that, but I could barely walk.

What does Ace know that I don't?
There was no way Mason was going to kill him or I would never find out.

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