Chapter 69

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The next morning I was more than just nervous.
I had not seen Mason for 4 months now.
He had told me that he would not see me until midnight so I had the whole day to myself.
I was going to visit Ruby and then go to the library.
I put on a pair of tight jeans with a black top and headed to Ruby's apartment.
Luckily, she only lives 15 minutes away from me, so I could visit her every time.
When I arrived, I knocked on the door, but she didn't open for me.
Was she perhaps shopping or at a friend's house?
I still had her spare key, so I opened the apartment door.

,,Ruby?" I said.

No one answered me.
I looked around the house, but no one was there.
Strangely, where was she?
I took my cell phone out of my pocket and called her.
It rang a few times but she didn't answer.
I went back out the front door and sat in my car.
Where could she be?
I wanted to spend the day with her so I wouldn't be quite so nervous about later.
I went back to the dorm and then went to the library.
I loved the library here at Yale University.
When I arrived, I grabbed a book by Emily Brontë from a bookshelf and flipped through the pages of the book.
It was a copy of Wuthering Heights; I loved that book.

Excuse me, ma'am, you have to go slowly, the library is about to close," the old librarian said to me.

,,Go?" I asked, looking around.
It was already dark.

,,Yes ma'am we close at 9 o'clock" she explained.

,,Oh, okay, I'll go in a minute," I said.

How could I not have noticed that I had been here for 6 hours?
I was just way too captivated by the story.
I got up and went back to my room.
I still had 3 hours before we would meet and with every minute that passed I got more nervous.
I looked at my phone and there was a message from Mason.

,,Don't forget, 00:00 at the old town hall" he wrote.

I sent him a thumbs up in reply and lay down in my bed.
What am I going to say to him?

,,Hey Mason, I'm going to forgive you after all the things you've done to me because I can't live without you no matter how unhappy you make me."

Oh, God.
That sounds awful.

I'm a fool in love.

I grabbed my laptop and went on Netflix to distract myself from Mason.
I decided to watch Grey's Anatomy.
I was already on season 14 and I was starting to fear that my decision to become a lawyer was a bad one.
I mean, becoming a doctor just sounds like so much fun.
I liked this show because the main character Meredith grey had also lost many people.
I understood her pain over time.
After 2 episodes it was time to finally go to the meeting.
One last look in the mirror and I was ready.
On the drive I was really nervous to see Mason again.
After about an hour of driving I arrived and it was really creepy out here.
No one was here and it was stick dark.
Why the hell did he want to meet me here of all places?
I walked through the dark forest until I finally saw the town hall.
The town hall looked terrible.
All the windows were broken and moss had grown everywhere.
I know Mason likes crazy dates, but this was really disgusting.
Maybe he just made a mistake and didn't actually mean the town hall here?
I looked at the address he had sent me, but I was in the right place.
It was really creepy here, but I went into the town hall anyway.
I winced in shock when I found a dead mouse on the floor.
I had to use my cell phone as a flashlight to see anything in the darkness.

,,Mason," I called out.

I heard my echo here.

,,Here I am," I heard him say at the end of the hall.

I was glad he was there and the sound of his voice made me feel calmer.
Slowly I became nervous because I was about to see him.
I continued walking slowly and I saw light at the end of the corridor.

When I got there, my phone fell out of my hand and I froze.

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