Chapter 32

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On the drive home, we both barely spoke, but he had his hand on my thigh the whole time while he drove back to the dorm.
I enjoyed the silence and looked out the window watching the scenery until we arrived at campus.
Mason parked the car in front of the campus and we made our way to my room.
I was about to open the door when I looked into my room and my heart dropped.
I saw my mother and Carla sitting on my bed.
I stopped rooted to the spot, still with Mason's hand in mine.
My mom crossed her arms and had this evil look on her face and Carla just sat there with a grin.
What the hell are these two doing here?
I hadn't told either of them about my relationship with Mason yet because I didn't know exactly how.

,,Mother, what are you two doing here?" I asked, letting go of Mason's hand.

Not because I was embarrassed, but because I was afraid of my mother's reaction because we had broken up badly during our last phone call.
Mason just stood quietly next to me, obviously just as surprised as I was.

,,So this is what you do in college? Meeting up with guys and going to parties?" Said my mother, getting up from my bed.

How did she know about the parties? Carla wouldn't dare tell her about it, would she?
She knows how my mother reacts, why would she do that?

,,I'm eighteen and I know what's good for me," I said.

,,Typical for you to talk to me again and again" she said and threw her brown hair out of her face.

She was perfectly dressed as always.

Carla had the idea to come visit you and how do you think I feel seeing you with this drug dealer with tattoos?

I felt like I had to defend Mason.

,,Don't you dare talk about him like that!" I yelled.

,,Now you're defending him too? Britney White, you're throwing away your whole future for this boy who just wants to get in your pants!" She said.

,,Okay, that's enough," Mason said tensely.

,,This boy is not serious about you!" my mother said.

,,So she's not wrong," said Carla, winking at Mason.

Mason stiffened even more and clenched his teeth.
What is going on here?

,,Do you know how hard I worked for all this?" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

I hated the way she talked about her hard work, when I was the one who worked my ass off.

,,Why can't you just be happy for me?" I hissed.

,,You're naive and stupid!" she hissed, and there was only hatred in her gaze.

,,I love him, mother," I said, and my mother's blood froze in my veins, as did Carla's. "I love him, mother.

My mother stared at me with her mouth open and Carla was red with rage for some reason.
The next moment my mother started laughing hard and I pulled a face.

,,Love? You stupid child! That is not love. There is no such thing as love," she said.

,,Maybe not for you, but I love him and he loves me," I said.

,,Men like him are like your father! Such men can't love at all," she said.

,,If you weren't so obnoxious, maybe Dad wouldn't have killed himself!" I shouted and I immediately regretted my words.

My mother was boiling with anger and before I knew what was happening, she slapped me.

,,You two get out of here now or I'm calling the police!" Said Mason.

,,You wouldn't dare" said my mother with a condescending look at Mason.

,,You just laid a hand on her and you think I wouldn't call the police on you?" asked Mason.

My mother gave him a hateful stare and I looked at Carla, who looked shocked.
I held my hand to my aching cheek and felt hot tears running down my cheek.

,,Fine with me, we'll go!" my mother said and grabbed her purse.

,,I'm not going to watch you throw your life away. If you don't break off contact with this boy, I won't speak a single word to you," my mother said.

The thought of losing my mother hurt, but the thought of losing Mason hurt even more.

,,So be it," I said with tears in my eyes.

My mother looked shocked at my answer, but it had to be.
She will surely take away all my money, but I will manage somehow.

,,I don't need your money, I'll find my own place to stay," I said.

,,Have fun searching" she said laughing.

,,What's so funny?" I asked.

,,After two weeks he will break your heart and you will beg me to take you back," she said.

,,We'll see," I said.

Carla went out the door and waved at me.

Why is Carla like that all of a sudden?
Mason rolled his eyes and went into my room.
I followed the two of them to the door.

,,Mother, you can't do this to me," I said, sobbing.

,,You should have thought of that earlier," she said.

,,Why do you hate me?" I blurted out.

My mother stopped and looked at me.

You were always so hard on me, even though I did everything I could to be perfect in your eyes.
Carla was exactly the opposite of what you wanted for me, but you always treated her better!

,,Carla was more of a daughter to me than you ever were" she said with empty eyes.

I broke at that sentence, and my whole chest contracted. I turned around, with tears in my eyes, without saying another word, and went back to my room.

,,Britney" she calls after me.

I turned around and saw Carla with a wicked smile around her mouth and my mother staring at me.

,,Don't come back home when he breaks your heart" was the last thing she said to me before she walked out the door.

Carla stopped for a moment and looked at me.

,,Sorry Britt, but she is right" she said.

I hated her.
I hated my mother.
I hated Carla.
At that moment I was mad at everyone!
I hated every person in this world.
Everyone except Mason.
He's kind of always my exception.

Infinity (ENGLISH VERSION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz