Chapter 33

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I ran back to my room, sobbing, and when I opened the door, Mason wasn't there.
He didn't run away, did he?
Did he?
Yes, he did.
He was gone.
I sank to the floor with my back against the door and cried everything off my chest.
The pain in my chest was so bad that I felt like I was going to die when I suddenly felt pressure on my back.

,,Baby, can I come in?" Mason asked me from behind the door.

Wait what?
I scrambled away from the door so Mason could come in.

,,I-I thought you left," I said, sobbing.

,,Left? I'm not leaving you after what just happened, I just went to get some ice for your cheek" he explained.

I ran into his arms and hugged him as tight as I could.
He dropped the ice pack on the floor and hugged me as well.
I cried and sobbed so hard that his whole t-shirt got wet.

,,Shhh, it's okay baby, we'll find a solution" he comforted me and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

,,b-but where am I going to go? I don't have one" I said, sobbing.

,,You can sleep with me until I rent us both an apartment".

Wait, what?
Move in with Mason?
I stopped crying and looked at him.

,,You mean we're moving in together?" I asked.

,,Yeah, Britt, it's kind of my fault that your mom isn't paying for this place anymore, so I'm looking for an apartment," he explained, wiping away my tears.

,,But I'm only 18 and you're 20," I said.

,,So what? I love you and you love me so why not move in together" he asked.

,,Well, because it doesn't fit in with my plans".

He grinned at me.

,,So you don't want to move in with me because you didn't plan it three years before?" he asked.

,,Well, yes" I said and I realized myself how ridiculous this is.

,,Britney, I wasn't in your plans either" he said.

He was right.
Not even in my wildest dreams did I think Mason would come into my life and completely turn it upside down.


,,Yeah, what?" he asked.

,,Yeah, Mason, we're moving in together," I said.

He gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen and hugged me tightly and then gave me a soft kiss on the mouth.

God how I love him.

,,I'll go looking tomorrow and while I'm looking you can stay with me" he said.

thank you

,,You don't have to thank me, it was my fault," he said.

,,No it wasn't, my mom is just a control freak and Carla can't shut up" I explained.

,,That may be, but you have done so much for me, I want to do something for you" he said.

I snuggled up to him and put my head on his chest.

,,How is your cheek?" he asked.

,,Actually, it didn't hurt because I was too much in shock," I explained.

,,If it hadn't been your mother, I would have killed that person," he said.

I know

I really knew, he proved it often enough.

Why did Carla have to come here today before I could explain things to my mother? And why did she have a grin on her face the whole time? I asked.

When I mentioned Carla's name, Mason stiffened and broke away from my embrace.

,,Is everything okay?" I asked.

,,Yeah, pack your stuff, we're going to my sorority," he said.

Strange why is he acting like this now?
Is it because he slept with Carla and is afraid that I will get jealous?
I have to admit the thought of Carla and Mason makes me sick, but he's slept with pretty much everyone in this town, so why did he have such a problem with it now?
I packed my things and grabbed a few more things from the bathroom.
When I got back and went into my room I heard Mason talking to someone.

,,What the fuck was that about? Why are you making things worse?" he hissed over the phone.

Who was he talking to?
I listened behind the door while trying to look through the keyhole.

,,No, I said I'd handle it, but why did you have to show up with that goddamn mother?"
My blood freezes in my veins.

It was Carla.
Why was Mason talking to her in secret? And what did he have to deal with?
I opened the room door and burst in.
Mason quickly hung up and stared at me nervously.

,,Hey, baby," he said.

,,Hey baby? Are you serious? Who were you talking to and what do you have to take care of?" I asked angrily.

,,I didn't talk to anyone, I talked to a buddy, but it wasn't that important" he lied.

,,I'm not stupid, Mason! Was it Carla?" I asked.

,,What? No," he said.

,,Damn it, Mason, who did that?" I asked.

,,Nobody and now relax, I'll wait in the car" he said and went out the door of the room.

What the fuck?
Is he actually trying to fuck with me?

Or am I just paranoid?
I packed the rest of my stuff and went to the car.
I texted Trixie that we were on our way to the sorority and that I was no longer living in the dorm because my mom was making a huge fuss.
She wrote that she was still at Adam's, but that she would come to the sorority later and check on me.
When I got in the car, Mason was tense.

,,Are you going to explain to me what that was all about?" I asked.

,,Listen Britney, that was a buddy and I explained our situation and asked him to look for an apartment, that's all" he said.

,,Okay," I said.

I was still suspicious but I had no one but him now and besides maybe I was just paranoid.
We lead off and Mason had his hand on my thigh again.
That was a good sign and as we drove he relaxed again.

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