Chapter 77

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The next day Nate was supposed to join us for dinner.
I had texted him the night before and he was really happy to hear from us.
I had already set the table and I was just getting changed.

,,You're not seriously going to wear that, are you?" Mason asked me with wide eyes.

,,Of course I do, why?" I asked.

,,because my so-called half-brother can't take his eyes off you and your breasts look gigantic in this outfit," he explained.

,,Don't be silly, I'll wear what I want" I said.

,,All right, but if that fucker so much as looks at you, I'll fuck him up" Mason said and walked out of the room.

Why was he so jealous?
He knows there's no one else but him for me.
And besides, Mason has slept with half the female population, so I must be the one who is jealous.
I went back into our living room and put the food on the table because Nate would be there any minute.

,,Be nice, okay?" I said to Mason when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and saw Nate standing there with a big bouquet of flowers.

,,Hello, Nate," I said.

I was unsure if I should give him a hug because we didn't really know each other, so I just shook his hand.

,,Here, the flowers are for I mean for you" said Nate.

,,Thank you, that's very thoughtful" I said and smiled at him.

,,Hey Mason" said Nate.

,,Hi," said Mason, bored.

We all sat down at the table.
Mason sat right next to me and Nate sat across from me.

,,The food looks great," Nate praised me.

,,Thank you" I replied.

We were all silent and it was really awkward, so I tried to get into the conversation.

,,So Nate, what have you been up to in life?" I asked, stuffing chicken into my mouth.

,,Well, the first 18 years of my life were a horror, my stepfather was an insufferable man and he kicked me out of the house all the time.
Two years ago my mother died of cancer and my stepfather had an accident, which is why he is now in a coma.
I didn't find out who my biological father was until recently and then I saw the news and I found out I had a half-brother.
I'm in Los Angeles at a private university and I'm studying business in my 2nd semester" he explains.

,,wow, that's admirable, I'm sorry about your mom" I said.

,,Yes, she was a great woman," he explained.

Nate smiled at me and stared at my cleavage for a moment.
I was embarrassed and starting to blush.

,,Damn, do you want to fuck her in front of me right now or later?" hissed Mason.

Nate and I both blushed.

,,Mason!" I scolded.

,,I'd better go," said Nate.


said me and Mason at the same time.

,,But I'd better go," said Nate and went towards the door.

Mason angrily went into our bedroom and I went after Nate.

,,Nate I'm really sorry, Mason is an ass" I said.

,,You don't have to apologize for him" he said.

,,I'm sorry" I said.

,,It's okay, Britt, I don't understand how a woman like you can be with someone like him," he said.

,,He's not like that with everyone," I defended Mason.

,,You deserve better" Nate said and walked out the door.

I was a little offended because he said that about me and Mason, but I understood him.
He was hurt and Mason was really rude.
I went into our room to Mason's.
I stood by the door and looked at him.

,,I'm not going to apologize," he hissed.

,,I know," I replied.

I sat down next to him on the bed and we were silent for a while.

,,Are you mad at me?" he asked and I saw fear in his eyes.

,,No," I said and sighed.

,,Really?" he asked.

,,yes Mason, I would be jealous too if my prodigal half-sister flirted with you" I said.

I heard him laugh briefly.

I really thought you were going to come in here and yell at me," he said.

,,We'll have time for that later," I said and leaned on his shoulder.

,,Do you still have your necklace?" Mason asked me.

,,Of course, I never took it off" I said and grabbed my neck to feel my beautiful necklace.

,,Britney?" Mason asked me.


,,Why did you forgive me?" he asked.

,,I knew from the beginning that I would forgive you, I just didn't want to admit it to myself," I admitted.

,,Please don't ever leave me Britney, without you my life makes no sense" he said.

,,I won't" I said honestly.

I knew that as long as he wanted me with him, I would be there.
Mason was my light in the darkness, my rock in the surf.
He helped me through my darkest hours and showed me that life could be beautiful.

It scares me to be so dependent on one person, but I just couldn't live without him.

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