Chapter 37

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Of all the people I would have counted on, she was the very last person who would have crossed my mind.
Am I in some kind of dream?
Why were the people I love mean to me and the people I hate nice?

,,Don't stand there like a fool," she said.

I looked at her confused.

,,Get in!" she hissed.

I got into her car without another word.

,,What are you doing here?" I croaked.

,,I don't like you, but Mason is a son of a bitch and Carla is a manipulative bitch, and nobody deserves that," she explained.

Wait a minute, was that really Ruby?
Am I dreaming?
I stared at her with my mouth open.

,,Don't look so stupid," she said and drove off.

So let me get this straight, you felt sorry for me and that's why you followed me?

,,Yes, and if you don't stop looking at me like that, I'll drop you off again and let you die in self-pity," she hissed.

I couldn't help but grin, because this was still the Ruby I knew, but she was trying to be nice in her messed up way.

,,Wait a minute, I don't want to go back to the compound," I said.

What? No, I'm not taking you back to that house, I'm not that stupid.

,,I'll take you to my house," she explained.

Wait, what?
Is this the Ruby who hated me?
I still couldn't believe she really did that.

,,To your house?" I asked.

,,Yes, and now stop talking to me," she said.

She was so mean, but also so nice.
In my whole life I have never been so confused.

On the one hand, I was deathly sad about Mason, Carla, my mother, the fact that I was now homeless, and a thousand other things I could list right now.

But I was also confused by Ruby's action.
Ruby and I were silent on the drive and when we arrived I saw a nice neighborhood with many apartments.
She was walking towards a white apartment that looked very different from what I imagined.
I always thought she would be living in a sorority or always sleeping over at a friend's house.
But no, this actually looked really nice.
She unlocked the door and gestured for me to come in with her head.
When I walked in and took off my shoes and she turned on the light, my mouth dropped open.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the apartment looked great.
It was done in white and gray, but still very chic, clean and neat.
It was a very small apartment, but it was quite enough.

,,So here we are. Don't touch anything and if you break anything I'll kill you" she said.

I was still speechless, but I nodded anyway.
Was this really happening?

,,I'll bring you some sleeping clothes and if you're hungry, there's pizza in the kitchen," she said.

,,Thank you Ruby" I said and was still in shock.

,,It's ok, you can sleep on the couch, but don't turn on the TV" she said.

When she went to her room and got me a pair of gray jogging pants and a white t-shirt, I changed and while she was in the bathroom.
I was really glad that Ruby also had normal clothes, because I was already afraid that I would have to sleep in fishnet, pantyhose and bra.
I am so full of prejudice towards people I didn't even know personally, I swore I would never judge a person again because I never know what's going on inside them.
When Ruby came back into the living room, she stopped and leaned against the wall.
She looked completely different.
Her hair was loosely done in a bun and she was completely out of makeup, she looked so beautiful without all the makeup.
She was wearing sweatpants and a white t-shirt just like me, which was way too big for her.
I had usually only seen her half naked, but she looked really great.
I lay down on the couch and took the blanket she had given me earlier from the table and spread it over me.

,,Ruby thank you, that means a lot to me, without you I wouldn't know what to do and probably would have stayed on the bench at the bus stop" I said.

,,It's okay, but don't think we're friends now" she said and I giggled.

She was smiling now too, but quickly got herself under control again.

,,Why are you doing this?" I asked.

She was silent for a moment and stared at the floor, looking as if she remembered something.

,,Because I know what it's like when everyone leaves you and you perish alone in a bus stop," she said.

Suddenly I saw Ruby with completely different eyes.
She was always acting tough because she was hurt.

,,I don't know why this is happening to me, I've never done anything to him," I said.

,,You know Britney, this cruel world is in no way suitable for pure souls, that's why people become cold with time, because life has brought them nothing but sorrow" she said and I had to think about her words.

,,Thank you, Ruby," I said.

She smiled at me and then went to her room and locked the door behind her.
I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.
I thought about today.
Why was Carla so gloating and why was Mason so full of hate?
Why was Ruby so different from what I had thought?
I knew Mason was broken inside, but I thought with time we could fix that.
But the more I tried to fix him, the more broken I became over time.
I was trying to help him and I was falling apart without even realizing it.

Ruby was right, this cruel damn world is not for pure souls.

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