Chapter 31

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When we were both sitting in the boat, he drove off until we were a sufficient distance from the shore.
I enjoyed the silence around me and took a closer look at the place.
It is really beautiful here.
The fresh air blew through my hair and the birds chirped sweetly around us.

,,I think I have a new favorite place," I said.

He grinned at me and then rummaged in his pocket.

,,I have something for you," he said nervously.

My heart melted at the thought of him going to so much trouble.
No matter how tough he acted in front of his clique, I knew I knew his soft side and that made me overjoyed.

,,Here," he said, handing me a small black box.

I opened it with trembling hands and I saw a chain with an infinity sign where something was engraved.

,,You will be mine forever".

I started sobbing because this sentence was so beautiful.

,,Oh no, Britney don't you like it?" He asked.

How could he still ask that?

,,if I don't like it? Are you insane? This is the best and most beautiful gift I have ever received," I said and jumped into his arms.

,,I love it, Mason," I said.

,,I love you" he said as he buried his face in my hair.

,,Can you put it on me?" I asked.

,,Sure, give it to me," he said.

I gave him the beautiful necklace and grabbed my hair up so it was easier for him.

,,I will never take it off again," I said.

He laughed and grabbed a kiss on the back of my neck.

,,Britney, I'm completely serious about what it says," he said.

I turned back to him and looked at him.

,,You changed my life without even trying and I can't tell you how much you mean to me, when I didn't know you I was so full of hate for people but you brought me out of the darkness and showed me that life can be beautiful if you look right.
I couldn't imagine how my life would have been without you," he said.

Even though we had only known each other for a few months, I felt exactly the same.

,,Are you trying to make me cry again?" I asked and he grinned while pressing his lips to mine.

Every kiss with Mason is special and every time I feel so safe with him.

,,Now I feel stupid because I don't have anything for you" I said and broke away from our kiss.

,,Kiss me again" he asked.

I didn't think much and sat astride him on it while pressing my lips to his again.
It pleased me that he obviously needed the touch to me as much as I needed his.
He leaned back on the boat without breaking our kiss once. My lips open and he lets his tongue slide into my mouth.
Even though the kiss starts slow at first, it soon takes a quick turn as we both need more.
His hands are passed in my hair and I moved my hips in a slow rhythm. He interrupts our kiss and with a quick movement laid me backwards on the boat while he came over me.
I felt his weight on me now as he slowly kissed my neck and kept going down.
I felt his hand under my t-shirt and his fingers slowly begin to knead my breast.
He pulled his t-shirt over his head and so did I.
I was afraid that someone would see us out here, but there was no one far and wide.
When he was about to take off my panties, I stopped him.

,,What's going on?" he asked, confused.

,,I want to do something for you this time," I said.

I have no idea what, but I'll figure it out.
He looked at me in surprise, but then just grinned.

,,And what exactly?" he asked and I blushed.

Without answering, I knelt down next to him and took off his boxers.
Okay now it was time.
When I was 13, Carla and I once watched an adult movie, which disturbed me in retrospect, but I can still remember the rough details of how a so-called blowjob works.
I took him as deep into my mouth as I could and he moaned out.
I so enjoyed making him moan.
I let my head wander up and down while I watched him completely lose control.

,,Fuck," he gasped.

I suddenly wondered how many women had given him a blow job before and if I was doing it wrong.

,,How many women have you had a blow job from?" I asked and looked up at him.

,,Seriously?" he asked with a grin.

,,Was it more than five?" I asked.

,,Yes," he said.

,,More than ten?" I asked.

Please don't let it have been more than fifteen.
I am disgusted at the thought that several lips have closed around him.

,,lots of women, what does it matter?" he asked.

,,None, I was just curious," I said and continued.

The thought is disgusting, but I knew that he had more sexual partners before me.
I was getting faster and faster and I felt that he was going to come soon.
After a few minutes I felt a twitch followed by warm liquid squirting into my mouth.
It almost made me gag.
It tasted nowhere near as bad as I thought it would, but definitely not very good either.
Mason was out of breath and I lay down next to him.

,,How was I?" I asked.

,,You" he said and I smiled.

We both got dressed again and afterwards we both enjoyed the silence around us.
He took me in his arms and we just drifted for a while.

,,Mason?" I asked.

,,Yes?" he answered.

,,You will also be my forever," I said.

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