Chapter 48

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,,okay, that was weird and honestly creepy" said Ruby.

,,I don't know what's wrong with her either," I admitted.

,,Today was a long day, can I rest?" Ruby asked me.

,,Sure, the guest room is right over there," I said.

,,Let's hope this crazy one doesn't kill me in my sleep" she said and it took me a second to understand that she meant Carla.

,,Ruby went into the guest room and locked the door behind her.
I went into our bedroom so I could ask Mason what Carla meant by "our last conversation".

Even though now was not the time to argue, I just had to know.
I knocked on the bedroom door for him to open for me.
He opened the door and let me in.

,,Where is your ex-enemy?" he asked with a grin.

,,Cut the crap, we need to talk," I said seriously and sat down on our bed.

,,What have I done this time?" he asked me.

,,What did Carla mean by that, our last conversation?" I asked.

,,Nothing, I don't know what she meant," he lied.

I knew he was lying because he didn't look me in the eye.

,,Mason, tell me what's going on between you two," I hissed.

,,There is nothing going on and now let it be," he said annoyed.

,,You still haven't explained to me why you said the other day that you didn't love me," I said.

,,I was angry and it slipped out, don't make a drama out of it" he said.

,,But it didn't sound like it just slipped out!" I said and I realized I was close to tears.
realized that I was close to tears.

,,Listen, Britney, when I'm mad, I say things that are stupid, and I don't know what Carla meant by that conversation," he said.

,,Ruby told me that you guys had a big fight after I ran away," I said.

,,Fuck Ruby can never keep her mouth shut!" he said.

,,You see? That's what I'm talking about! What are you hiding from me?" I hissed.

,,Nothing! We were just arguing because she said she wanted to follow you, but I didn't want to," he admitted.

,,Why the hell wouldn't you want her to follow me in a situation like that where I had nothing?

,,She is not a good friend Britney!" he said.

,,How do you know, what do you know about her?" I asked.

,,I can't tell you, but she's not a good friend," he said.

,,If you don't want to tell me, then I don't see any reason why we should be together," I said, regretting my words.

He looked hurt.
He turned around and opened the door.

,,I didn't mean that Mason, come back here." I said.

,,No!" He said.

,,Come back here," I said.

,,Why? You don't see any reason for our relationship anyway," he said and closed the door again.

,,Come here," I said and stood up.

He came to me and pressed his forehead against mine.

,,No matter how crazy you drive me, Mason, and no matter how many reasons there are against our relationship. There will always be a reason that makes all the other reasons seem unimportant," I said.

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