Chapter 76

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Mason stood at the door with his mouth open, staring at the stranger.

,,W-what do you mean you're his half-brother?" I asked so that I could break the awkward silence.

,,Mason's father is also my father, he had an affair with my mother 22 years ago," he explained.

,,You're lying," Mason said and went back inside.

I was visibly embarrassed, so I invited him into the apartment.

,,Why did you let him in?" Mason asked, annoyed.

,,He's your brother!" I hissed.

The stranger just stood there and listened to our discussion.

,,No, he's some con man who's after that asshole's inheritance," Mason said.

I blushed because I was embarrassed by how direct Mason was.

,,Um no I'm not, my stepdad is loaded so I don't lack for money" he said.

He seemed like a good guy, but he was a little shy.
So just the opposite of Mason.

,,So why are you here?" asked Mason.

,,I just found out you existed when I heard about the crazy best friend thing on the news," he started to explain.

Ouu man, that means that everyone already knows about Carla.

,,And when I did some research, I found out that you are my half-brother," he explained.

,,Maybe, but I don't care.
I have no interest in family," Mason said and went into the bedroom.

The stranger and I just stood there for a while until he turned and headed for the door.

,,I'm sorry I shouldn't have come," he said.

,,No, it's not your fault, Mason is... well, he's special," I explained.

,,Here's my number if he changes his mind, because I'd really like to meet my brother" he said and handed me a piece of paper with a number on it.

,,I will get back to you" I said smiling.

,,Nate, my name is Nate," he said.

,,Hi Nate, my name is Britney, but call me Britt" I said.

,,You have a beautiful smile, Britt" he said and looked at my lips with his brown eyes.

He was really good looking.
He was tall and broad and had beautiful eyes.
He didn't look as good as Mason for a long time, but no boy looks as good as Mason.

,,bye Britt" he said and walked out the door.


I put his number on the kitchen table and went into Mason's bedroom.

,,What was that all about?" I asked.

,,Don't get on my nerves!" he said.

,,Why were you so mean? He just wanted to meet his brother," I said.

,,Stepbrother," he corrected me.

,,It doesn't matter, don't you think you should give him a chance?" I asked.

,,No, I'm not big on family," he explained.

,,I know Mason, but you could be nicer to him" I said.

,,If I say okay now, will you leave me alone?" he asked.

,,Yes," I said.

,,All right, invite him over for dinner sometime," he said.

Thank you" I said and I went towards the door.

,,Wait," Mason said.

I turned around and looked at him.

,,I'm sorry, I don't want you to go," he said.

I snorted and walked in his direction.

,,Come here," he said and spread his arms.

I snuggled up to him.

,,He will have dinner with us tomorrow," I said.

,,Fine with me," he said.



,,I love you," I said.

He laughed lightly and gave me a gentle kiss.

,,I love you too, Britt" he breathed close to my face.

,,His name is Nate," I said.

,,Yeah, stupid name," he said with a grin.

,,Why do you hate him without having met him," I asked.

,,Well, I have to admit he seemed nice, but he couldn't keep his eyes off you," Mason said.

,,Bullshit," I said.

,,I think sometimes you don't know what effect you have on men," he said.

,,Oh, yeah? What effect?" I asked.

,,This one," he said, lifting his pelvis slightly so that I could feel his erection.

,,Oh," I said.

He grinned and took my cheek in one hand.
I leaned over and kissed him.
His tongue was warm and played with mine while I kept moving my hips.
He pushed up my skirt and put his hand inside my panties.
When he rubbed his hand against my most intimate part, I moaned.
I felt the moisture between my legs while he started kissing my neck.
I took off my clothes and I helped Mason take off his t-shirt while he unbuttoned his jeans himself.
When we were both naked, I lay backwards on our bed and spread my legs.
I felt so comfortable in his presence.
He came over me and started kissing every inch of my body.

,,You are beautiful, baby," he said.

I moaned as he slowly penetrated me.

,,Fuck" we both moaned at the same time.

He seemed as surprised at my expression as I was.
I think I had gotten into the habit with him.

Well you can't blame me since me and Mason have had sex probably a thousand times in the last 6 months.

,,Shit!" he cursed and quickly pulled out of me.

,,What's going on?" I asked in surprise.

,,We forgot the condom," he said and took out a small bag.


,,Shit," I cursed softly.

Mason quickly pulled the condom over himself and came over me again.
I really need to go to the gynecologist and get the IUD inserted.
He penetrated me again and after a few minutes we both came at the same time.
We tried to catch our breath again and I lay down on his chest.
Lying naked on his chest and cuddling with him is better than any sex with him.
I fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart.

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