Chapter 62

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4 months.

It's been 4 months since I found out about Carla and Mason.
After my breakdown in the woods, Ruby found me and she took me to a hotel because she knew Mason would be looking for me at her house.
For the first 2 weeks I was like a zombie and holed up in my bed crying my heart out.
Mason had called me 696 times, but each time I ignored him.
After a month of hard work at the coffee shop, I moved back into the dorm and distracted myself with Mason's college.
I had learned from Ruby that after my breakdown, Mason and Carla had argued violently and Mason had been looking for me everywhere.
Carla texted me thousands of times for the first few months, but each one I ignored.
The first few months were hard, but I managed to avoid both of them and I made sure neither would find me.
In the second month Carla stopped texting me, but Mason didn't, he texted me every single day.
By the third month, I didn't feel quite as empty and I started focusing on college.
The pain deep in my chest never stopped.
They say time heals all wounds, but you just get used to the pain.
By the fourth month so now I was almost done with my 2 semesters of college.
I still thought about Mason every day and he still called me every day.
I almost gave in yesterday and answered, but I pushed through and ignored him as usual.
After a long day at college, I went back to the dorm and went to bed.
Ruby knocked on the door and came in.
I had given her my spare key so she could come in any time.

,,Britney!" she said.

,,what?" I asked and crawled under the covers.

,,It's been four months! You have to go out now," she hissed.


,,I will, or I'll tell Mason where you live," she threatened.

,,You wouldn't dare," I said.

,,Hey Siri, call Mason Davis" she said to her cell phone.

,,Okay, all right! I'm going out there. But if I run into Mason or Carla, it's your fault" I said and got up from the bed and grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

,,Love you" Ruby called after me.

I got in the car and drove off.
I don't know where I was going, but I just drove off.
I wanted to go to a place where no one would find me.
After half an hour I arrived at the place where I was last.
At the lake of me and Mason.
I wonder if he still lives in the apartment.
I wonder if he misses me.
No, why should he? He was just using me anyway.
I walked slowly into the woods and I prayed to God that Mason wouldn't be there.
He had once told me that this was his favorite place and it was mine by now.
I slowly approached the river and old memories came up.
I hate memories that I should repress.
I looked out at the lake and saw a paddle boat.
The very same one that me and Mason once went out on.
I couldn't resist and I got in the boat.
I went out slowly and I enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair.
Tears welled up in my eyes at the memory of Mason.
I still loved him.
I always would.
But it hurt.
When I had pulled out far enough, a note glanced at the ground.
My heart stopped as I turned it over.

,,From Mason to Britney," the envelope read.

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