Chapter 11

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The rest of the weeks I was able to avoid Mason and I decided to call Carla and my mother and ask how they were doing.
I hadn't seen them in weeks now, and I missed Carla in particular.
The first thing I did was dial my mother's number.
It rang a few times until she finally answered.

,,Hello mother, how are you?" I asked.

,,Hello, darling, I'm fine.
The house is so empty without you." She said.

We talked for a while, and she told me that she had a lot to do at work.
I told her that the university was great and everything was going flawlessly so far, although that was not true at all.

,,Take care of yourself, okay?" she said before hanging up.

The conversation with my mother was longer than I expected, so I called Carla before I left.
I wanted to go to the library, and it would close soon, so I had to hurry.

,,Hey, Carla," I said.

,,Oh my God, Britney, you're alive!" She said.

,,I know, I'm sorry I didn't call before, but I really have a lot to do here" I explained.

,,I was just joking, how's college going?" She asked.

,,Terrible!" I sighed.

"Why is that?" she asked.

,,Nothing works the way I want it to," I explained.

,,Explain it to me," she said.

,,Well, I met this girl, and she dragged me to a party that I regret going to more than a little," I explained.

,,Wait a minute, what? You went to a party?" she asked, surprised.

,,Yes," I admitted.

,,Who are you and what did you do with Britney White?" she said.

,,I know it was stupid," I said.

,,No, on the contrary, it's nice that you have fun" she said.

,,You couldn't really call it fun," I said.

,,Something is still bothering you," she said.

Damn it, she knows me far too well!

,,There's this young guy," I explained, and Carla didn't say anything for a while.

,,Carla?" I asked.

,,I'm still here," she croaked.

Why is she so sensitive now when I start talking about boys?
I know I never talked about something like that with her because I never had problems like that before, but is it really so bad that I want to talk about a boy with my best friend?

,,A boy, then," she said slowly.

,,Um yeah, his name is Mason" I said.

,,Do you like him?" she asked.

,,What? No, of course not, he's an asshole," I said.

,,I see," she said.

,,He makes my life difficult," I sighed.

,,But you don't have feelings for him?" she asked again.

,,What's wrong with you? Of course not, he's not my type," I said.

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