Chapter 52

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Ruby stayed with us for a few days, but then went back home after she got over Erik's death.
We still had no information from the police about who killed Erik, and it was starting to make me nervous that there was a murderer on the loose.
I wanted to spend some time with Carla today, since I had neglected her a lot the last months.
Mason didn't like the idea, but he had to work today anyway, he's doing an internship at his uncle's house and that's why he was busy.
When Carla knocked on the door, I opened it for her and invited her in.

,,I'm so looking forward to today, we haven't done anything together in ages," she said.

,,Yes, I also like spending time with you," I said.

,,Where are we going today?" I asked.

,,Maybe to the café?" she suggested.

,,That sounds great," she said.

I missed Carla, even though she was standing right next to me, I missed her because she was so different the last few months.
I know it sounds weird to miss a person standing right next to you, but I just do.
When we arrived at the café, we found a quiet place and we ordered cake and coffee.

,,Is there anything new in the case of Erik?" she asked.

,,No, they still don't know who killed him," I said.

,,Oh," she said and drank her coffee.

Her blond hair was perfect on her shoulders and she looked great.

,,but it's good that he's dead, isn't it? That's what you wanted, right Britney?" she asked me.

,,Of course not! I wanted him to go to prison, not die right away," I said.

,,Oh," she said.

,,How's it going with Mason?" she asked, tensing up.

,,Very well, I love him" I said and smiled at the thought of him.

,,I'm happy for you," she said, rolling her eyes slightly.

,,We did it...well we did it" I said.

Carla had once told me that I could tell her anything and I wanted to.

,,Shit Carla!" I said, because her coffee cup broke in her hand.

,,You slept with him?" she said, beside herself.

,,Yeah, are you okay? Why are you squeezing the cup so tightly?" I said and dabbed her clean.

,,Waiter?" I shouted so that the waitress could remove the glass.

,,I'm sorry, we'll pay for the cup," I apologized to the waiter.

When the waiter left, Carla looked at me silently.

,,What's wrong with you? Why did you crush the coffee cup?" I asked and sat back down on my chair.

,,It was an accident," she said.

,,Okay, are you all right? You cut your hand" I said because it was bleeding.
I wanted to wipe the blood away, but she stopped me.

,,Leave it, the pain is pleasant" she said calmly.

Okay, I'm really starting to be afraid of her.

,,Are you okay?" I asked.

,,Yeah, wasn't it nice?" she asked.

,,What was nice?" I asked.

,,Well, when it was just the two of us, no one else, no Mason, no Ruby, just us," she said.

,,I like my life the way it is right now" I said, slightly confused.

,,So would you be sad if Mason and Ruby were suddenly gone?" she asked blankly.

,,Of course, I love Mason and Ruby is one of my best friends" I said.

,,Oh," she said thoughtfully.

,,You're okay with this, aren't you?" I asked.

,,Yes, of course," she said, and she smiled again.

She can change emotions so quickly.
The rest of the day went normally and she was the same as before.
She took me home again in the evening and said goodbye to me.

,,Hey Mason" I said as I walked into the apartment.

,,Hi baby" he said.

,,How was your internship?" I asked.

,,Great, how was it with Carla?" He asked.

,,It was, well, it was interesting," I said.

I sat down next to him on the couch and we watched a movie until I fell asleep on his shoulder.

I heard him whisper "you are the most beautiful girl in the world" before I fell asleep.

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