Chapter 21

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When we went into the living room I saw Ruby once again sitting half naked on a boy.

,,Ruby, go stick your tongue somewhere else in strangers" hissed Trixie.

,,Don't you have to suck Adam's dick or something?" said Ruby to Trixie.

Trixie and Adam both gave Ruby the finger and sat down on the sofa.
Ace went into the kitchen to get a bottle of whiskey and I sat down next to Ruby because otherwise all the seats were full.

,,Get the fuck out of here," Ruby hissed.

,,Can you be nice for once in your life?" I asked.

,,Bad mood because Mason dumped you?" she asked with a grin.

I wanted to pull out all her hair one by one and watch her scream in pain.

,,He didn't dump me because we were never together," I said.

,,You don't believe yourself, I see him beating up every boy you make eye contact with," she said.

I wanted to say something clever back, but I couldn't think of anything.

,,Speak of the devil," Ruby said, pointing her finger at Mason.

Mason had just come down from the stairs.
He looked tired and had dark circles under his eyes.
He still looked adorable.
When he saw me, he froze.
I felt the same way and couldn't look away.
I thought he hadn't come out of his room in weeks.
Why would he come out today of all days?
Luckily, Ace came into the kitchen at that moment and sat down next to me.

,,Do you want a drink?" Ace asked me and before he even said it, I grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured myself as much as I could.

,,The nun can be loose," said Ruby.

I drank another 1-2 big gulps and I noticed how the alcohol worked.

,,What was that about no alcohol for me?" Adam asked with a grin.

Mason walked over to an armchair and sat down, while Ruby got up and walked in his direction.

No, she wouldn't after all.
Yes, she would.

She sat astride Mason and started kissing him.
Mason didn't hold back and grabbed her by the hips.
I watched as he kissed her lips and pulled her closer.
He was doing exactly what he always does with me.
I did the only thing I could think of at that moment.

Namely exactly the same.

I climbed onto Ace's lap and pressed my lips to his.

,,Holy-" said Ace.

My mind went blank at that moment because jealousy overcame me.

,,What the fuck?" I heard Mason say as he pulled me away from Ace by the shoulders.

,,What's your problem?" Ace asked him.

,,I don't have a problem! Get a room if you want to fuck her so bad" Mason said.

,,Mason, you're such an asshole, I'm starting to think you want to fuck her," Ruby said and stood.

,,Bullshit! Who wants to fuck her?" said Mason.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

,,I do," said Ace.

,,What?" Mason asked, surprised.

,,I want to fuck her," said Ace.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise and even I couldn't believe what he had just said.
Mason was seething with anger and his eyes turned into slits.
Ace lifted me up on his shoulders without my permission and grabbed me by the hips while walking towards the stairs.

,,Put me down, please," I said quietly because I was feeling kind of dizzy.

,,damn it, okay we get it, now cut the crap Ace!" said Mason.

,,Too late" said Ace.

I want him to let go of me, but I couldn't speak clearly for some reason.
Ace lifted me up the stairs and took me to one of the rooms and laid me on the bed.
I couldn't think clearly or move because I was so dizzy I didn't know what was happening around me.

I don't know what everyone sees in you, but if fucking you means fucking Mason, I would do it over and over again" he said and my heart stopped.

What did he just say?
Sleep with me to spite Mason?

,,Wh-what?" I asked.

Why couldn't I move?
Or speak properly?

Something is wrong with my body....

,,You didn't really think I liked you, did you? I just want to get one over on Mason," he said.

I was speechless from the things I heard from him.

,,Why...can't I...move?" I asked, stuttering.

,,K.-o.-drops" he said and I felt sick.

,,What?" I asked, shocked.

,,I'm sorry, but I didn't know how else to get to you," said Ace.


He wouldn't do that to me, he knew I was a virgin.
He wouldn't... Rape me, would he?

I couldn't move or think straight.
Shit! Why did I touch the whiskey bottle?
Tears were coming out of my eyes, but I still couldn't move.
That was it.

I would be raped now and it was my own fault.

,,I'm not going to hurt you, we're just going to have some fun and tomorrow you'll forget about it," said Ace.

,,Please...let me go" I begged.

,,I'm afraid I can't" he said.

,,Wh...around?" I asked.

,,Mason did something bad a few years ago and now he's going to pay for it," he said.

,,Please, Ace," I pleaded as tears dripped from my eyes.

,,Don't worry, you'll forget about it tomorrow" he said.

,,This is rape," I said.

,,Maybe, but how will you know you were raped if you don't remember it the next day?

Tears ran down my cheeks and I started to shake.
It's over and I knew it.

I thought rape was stuff that only happened in movies or fairy tales.
But no.
It can happen to anyone and it doesn't give a shit how tall, short, fat or skinny you are.
Rape is never the survivor's fault.

You had the right to drink.
You had the right to go for a walk.
You had the right to dress the way you wanted.
You had the right to trust him or her.
You even had the right to make decisions and be responsible for them.
But no one had the right to abuse another.
No one had the right to rape you.

When people hear that you were raped once, they ask directly what you were wearing that night or if the rapist was drunk.
But no one asked if you were okay with it or if you were okay.

That's how I feel right now when Ace took off his pants and threw them on the floor.
I knew this was it.

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