Jennie lazily stretched and looked upward before she saw Lisa taking his clothes out of the closet. Lisa's great figure truly looked attractive no matter what he wore, such as these khaki casual pants and a white T-shirt. All year round, his closet was filled with white shirts that were always of an abnormally clean shade. One could never tire of looking at him in these clothes despite seeing him wear it numerous times.

"You're not going to work today?"

Jennie quietly asked when she saw that he was not wearing his formal wear but had chosen a soft white cotton T-shirt instead.

Frankly, there was something else that she kept wanting to ask last night. What would they do about Somi in the future?

"Yes, I've chosen a gallery for Somi that will display her artworks during an art exhibition."

It was rare that Lisa would be willing to explain some of the situation to her. Jennie lowered her eyelids and did not pursue the question any further.


Huai's expression darkened when he saw Jennie in one of
the corners in the office. Huai never mentioned it but he was inwardly unhappy that Jennie had secretly went over and followed the case behind his back.

"Big Brother Huai..."

Jennie knew that she was at fault. She had purposely avoided Huai and distanced herself when she saw him several times. However, she forced herself to greet him when they accidentally ran into each other and she could not avoid him today.

In a muffled voice, Huai said, "Miss Kim, I admire you very much because you made a name for yourself after one case!"

Since she had become famous after one case,
more people in the news industry now paid attention to this rookie reporter. She was brave enough to boldly publish Nie Chao's case despite being previously obscure. A case that was initially supposed to be hushed had instantly took a favorable turn instead!

Jennie could not tell whether Huai was mocking or praising her. She hung her head and lowered her eyes before she replied Wu Huai, saying, "I can't tell if Big Brother Huai is kidding..."

"Nie Chao committed suicide in the Detention Center last night!"

Huai's expression became rather frosty while his gaze was bone-piercingly cold when he suddenly said that.

Jennie was dumbfounded because this result was beyond her expectations.

"However, you don't have to feel sorry for him because those who are unjust are doomed to destruction! You don't know how many crimes people like him have committed. This was bound to happen sooner or later. You could say that he deserved the things that happened to him today!"

Jennie was stunned by the news of Nie Chao's suicide. Wu Huai's face looked rather suspicious when he glanced at her expression.

"Miss Kim, don't you know who helped you publish that article?"

Jennie shook her head. "Why are you asking that, Big Brother Huai? Didn't Chief Editor Liu willingly publish it?"

"I don't know how brave Liu Haonan actually is, but do you think that he'd be self-aware enough to do it if he didn't have anyone supporting him in the background? Hmph!"

As an upright person, Huai had always been somewhat disdainful towards people who acted as the situation required.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't know. I just wanted to remind Miss Kim not to allow people to manipulate you and be unaware of that."

Huai's gaze swept across Jennie when he said that, as
though he wanted to find some clues from her expression.

The intelligent woman suddenly thought of something but she did not dare to mention it in front of Huai.

"Big Brother Huai keeps saying unnecessary things but I'm merely relying on my instincts to take action..."

Jennie's attitude had already made it difficult for Huai to

Huai sighed, "Miss Kim is still inexperienced. This old case met a bitter end three years ago. I don't want Miss Kim to be sucked into a whirlpool again before you'll be pushed towards the heart of the struggle..."

Jennie could sense Huai's sincerity. The woman rubbed the tip of her nose and faintly said, "Jennie will always bear the things that Big Brother Huai said in mind!"

Jennie thought of Huai's words throughout the entire
afternoon. She had been manipulated indeed. However, the person with a target on his chest was Lisa...

It was needless to say that aside from Lisa, there was no one else in Luo Hai who could put Chief Editor Liu in such mind-numbing danger that would force him to publish that news article.

Nie Chao's suicide was probably one of the "assumed suicides" that were presently widespread.

One person's life or death could affect the safety of everyone around them.

When she thought of Xue Meiwei's attitude towards her, she could imagine that in the eyes' of the Manoban Family's second son, she was now considered as a thorn in his flesh...

However, Jennie was not afraid. Nonetheless, she was really unhappy about being unconsciously manipulated by Lisa.

This man was truly a scoundrel with a murderous intent behind his smile.

The woman became slightly restless before it was time for her to leave the office. Fortunately, her phone rang just in time. When Jennie saw that Kai was calling her, her mood instantly brightened.

At times like this, Kai always resembled a ray of sunshine that dispersed the thick clouds in her heart....


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ